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Old lady- maybe i know someone that can help you
Iseul/kyeon- really
Old lady- yeah but right now i can't take you there.
Kyeon- but why?
Old lady- you told me that you saw that man and beated him there is possibility that the man told the king about your presence here. Wait till night and i'll take you there with my husband.
Iseul- you are right we can't take risk to get caught
Kyeon- fine.
Old lady- till then you can stay at my house.
Iseul- thanks aunt.
Old lady- come inside.
Then they went into that old lady house and stayed there . At evening her husband came.
Husband- honey honey.
Old lady- yes what happened?
Husband- you know there are some stange people there in village. I got to know that they were wearing strange clothes and they beated a boy there.
Old lady- ummm.. actually.
Husband- what?
Then he saw Iseul and kyeon. He got scared.
Husband- please don't beat us.
Old lady- they are not like this.
Then the old lady told her husband everything.
Husband- oh so this is the matter really sad. I'll help you. Come.
Then they went outside of the house.
Husband- see this is my bullockcart come and sit in this and I'll take you there.
They both sat in the cart and hided themselves under the grass.
Kyeon- why this is so wet.
Iseul- this must be for animals.
Kyeon- ahh what
Iseul- shhh.
Then they went through the forest but suddenly some kings men came there .
Man 1 - where are you going?
Husband- i am going to forest.
Man 2 - this late.
Husband- yes actually when i went there in the morning i forgot a very important herb there.
Man 1 - herb why do you need herb.
Husband- my wife is very sick and I can't afford medical expenses so i thought to give her some natural herbs in her tea so that she can survive a little longer with me.
Made an expression like crying.
Husband- I want to give her the tea right now or else I don't know what will happen to her. Please let me go.
Man2- but ho-
Man 1- let him go he is just an old man. But be careful some strange people are in this forest and if you see them just inform us. Here their poster.
Husband- thanks. And I will surely inform you.
Then he went from there. He arrived at a place near a river.
Iseul- uncle why we are here
Husband- see i can't take you any longer with me you two just go straight and follow the river end till you reach the waterfall and you have to find the way alone from there because i don't know more than this.
Kyeon- but how are we supposed to go back.
Iseul- we'll find the way by ourselves thanks uncle for helping us this much.
Husband- she is so good learn from her.
He said pointing at kyeon before leaving them.
Kyeon- huh what learn from you ? Never ever.
Iseul- yeah you can't learn anything.
Kyeon- I don't want to .
Iseul- hmm lets go or else the king's man will come. Well let me see the poster of us.
Kyeon- why do you want to see that.
Iseul- it's our wanted let me see and experience this thing first time.
Kyeon- take a look.
Iseul- let's see.
Shee looked at the poster and the poster was.

Iseul- what the hell who is this i am ugly like this

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Iseul- what the hell who is this i am ugly like this.
Kyeon- are more ugly than this.
Iseul- you shut up.
Kyeon- why? Is there anything wrong to tell the truth?
Iseul- you- but then she noticed kyeon's poster

Kyeon- why? Is there anything wrong to tell the truth? Iseul- you- but then she noticed kyeon's poster

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Iseul- huh look at yours then .
Kyeon looked at the poster and got shocked.
Kyeon- what what? Who is this? It's not me.
Iseul- really but why do it look so similar.
Kyeon got angry and tore the poster. Iseul laughed at him.

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