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With the aftermath of the battle with the two gundam frames are now being repaired by the funding of ravel's own pocketed allowances, as raiser phenex is now finally awakening at long last to where he is now reading the underworld's pointing towards the news...

Raiser: what!?

...the paper meant to inform the public now burns in his own hands, as rage filled him up after hearing the part where his one and only sister ravel has been forcibly albeitly kissed by some bastard child of the gremory family, but cooled down as he sees the line that ravel has confronted her all in his name and by extension his family at large...and the part of her getting her own gundam to match her in power...

raiser: that is some sister of've gotten raiser's approval ravel!!

...he smiled at her heroic attempts to clear his name i n this duel that stemmed from the rating game rematch in the neutral territory in between the lands belonging to neither phenex nor gremory...and on another tone he heese that his parents is now making negotiations to make the need of the wedding void due to the appearance of the unlikely family guardian i nthe form of a 20-meter tall machine that is called underneath the title of "GUNDAM"...

kamako pov, gremory territory mansion:

in the gremory clan family mansion with an elaborately ornate garden, as kamako now is being forced into coming home with sirzechs and all of the other members of the gremory family due to her posing a risk to the rest of the underworld's politica...

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. the gremory clan family mansion with an elaborately ornate garden, as kamako now is being forced into coming home with sirzechs and all of the other members of the gremory family due to her posing a risk to the rest of the underworld's political state, and luckily it isn't leaked into the ears and imaginations of any of the other major factions that opposed the devils... 

where she is now forced into having the gundam to be kept somewhere safe, since it's existence has sparked form the very beginning a chained ripple effect that has caused a major arms race that has sparked a need to get stronger form the lower and...

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...where she is now forced into having the gundam to be kept somewhere safe, since it's existence has sparked form the very beginning a chained ripple effect that has caused a major arms race that has sparked a need to get stronger form the lower and lesser devil clans and families...

kamako: this is so boring! the girl whose own existence has put the world on edge, no younger than the son of the son of one of the four satans who ruled the underworld, and why it's not seven at a time is up to debate...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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