04. Of Its Constant Hunger

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Thwack! The ball flew after Art's sharp swing. The ball charged for him once more but this time, it was harder to counter it. 

The grin on Patrick's face as he continued to return every one of Art's plays was aggravating to look at. It was as if the game was just pure entertainment, pure fun. Well, it should be. Considering it was only a practice but not for Art. It was no practice. Adrenaline rushed through him as the desire to beat his best friend in front of his new girlfriend overpowered his common sense. 

In turn, he missed the ball. 

Art's eyes travelled to where the ball rolled, not caring how he could taste his salty sweat whenever he licked his lips. His focus went back to Patrick who pumped his fist in the air with a beaming, victorious smile. 

The blonde then turned his attention to Tashi as she clapped for Patrick's win. 

It was just practice. 

He looked down on his raquet before lightly tossing it to the floor as Tashi made her way to Patrick. 

"Impressed?" Patrick asked her.

Tashi crossed her arms but a small smile formed on her face, "Barely."

Art contained a smile of his own as he used the last bits of his energy to seem fine. He should be fine. Why isn't he fine? He should be over the fact he lost Tashi, it wasn't supposed to be a big deal. It's been almost two months since Patrick and her started going out but every time they do, his throat dries up and his mood sours.

Tashi saw Art as a great friend, a true friend. But how honest is he really about his friendship with her? 

How honest is he with Patrick? 

He eyed the joy in Patrick's eyes as he placed his hand on the small of Tashi's back while she explains something to him. He watched as Tashi laughed at whatever stupid joke Patrick told her before she continued speaking, telling Patrick about his movements throughout the practice match. The way she focused as she spoke with passion and drive like a coach

He didn't want to admit he was annoyed. 

Grabbing his raquet off the court, he trudged towards his bag as he checked the time on his phone and started packing. 

"Hey, where you going?"

Art looked back at Patrick and Tashi, "Just... I just have plans." he replied with the most unbothered tone he could muster. 

"Plans?" Patrick raised an eyebrow at him. 

"What plans?" Tashi asked. 

Art only looked at them, hesitant, as his phone buzzed.

I'm here

A grin lit Art's face as he packed his phone back into his pocket. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?" 

And before they could ask more, he grabbed his equipment and hurried away. 

Two days have passed since Patrick's party. The party Art was looking forward to for probably the wrong reason. At first, Art was happy for Patrick and Tashi but his patience grew thin quick. When they would practice, it would seem as if Art was a mere extra to a film starring Patrick... featuring Tashi. 

When the party neared, Art wanted to forget about the happy couple, considering Patrick seemed to have been forgetting about him. He wanted to get out there again, put himself out into the sea of singles but upon seeing Maisie stand before him under those dim stringlights, his mood immediately grew a different type of anxious. 

He knew that there were other ways to handle the situation he put himself under when gaining Maisie's number but why did he settle for the immature option of ignoring her? That question however seemed no longer relevant, not for now at least. 

Not when Maisie was standing in front of the court's entrance, leaning against her blue sedan. As beautiful as always, even the way she did her hair today seemed so effortless. "You got here quickly." she teased. 

Art's grin grew wider as he jogged towards his date. "I don't let beauty wait."

As Maisie's face scrunched in disgust, following up with an "Ew!", it only made Art's sense of pride grow. While she looked unimpressed, there was still a smile on her face.

God, her smile.

As he ran around to open the door to the passenger seat, his eyes remained on Maisie as she got in the car. Once she started the engine again, she stated, "Better make my night worthwhile, Art." 

Which the blonde replied, "I won't disappoint."


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Oh we have past disappointment." A chuckle of disbelief escaped Maisie's lips as her eyes scanned the diner with such dim lighting, it would be a surprise that anyone seated could see what they were eating. 

The cool reds of the leather booths and the selected tiles on the wall exceeded its small-town diner stereotype it so clearly tried to portray. Art furrowed his eyebrows, "I like it here." 

Maisie's eyes travelled to the many signs, from the front of the menu to the logo of the drinks that were left in empty tables, "Dining Danny's?"

On second thought, the diner was truly a cliche. 

If the various cafes were full, the diner was always the last option for many Stanford students. It wasn't as if the staff were rude or the food was horrid, it was just cheesy. It was a standard movie scene diner, that's what made Art like it so much though. 

Her critiques reminded Art of the various times his teammates -and Patrick- would whine about his choice of eatery. "I'll have you know, I have a reservation here." He lifted his chin and crossed his arms like a child who's been treated unfairly by peers. 

Maisie raised an eyebrow, "Reservation?"

"That I didn't book," He then admitted, "it's just where I usually sit." 

It didn't take long for a genuine giggle to escaped Maisie's lips, causing Art to finally ease his muscles that he didn't even know were tense. 

He guided her to the booth that was stationed against the window that looked out to the less busy street. Finally sitting down, opposite of each other, was when they both felt comfortable to converse.

A/N: sorry this was kind of a filler chapter help- NEXT ONE WILL BE BETTER I SWEAR!!!

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