Part 1: first meeting

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It was a wet and windy summer night when two toddlers were removed from a vehicle and placed on a gravelly road that led to a giant circus-like tent. As soon as the car sped away the girl burst out into tears, her twin brother wrapped his arms around her, even at 17 months old he was protective of his twin sister, he then eventually joined in her crying. It wasn't long until someone found the twins. It was a boy around 11 who found them, followed by another boy around 6.

“Get The Ringmaster” the older of the two whispered to the younger one. He then got on the same level as the toddlers trying to comfort them the best he could.

“Ringmaster, Ringemaster” He yelled running towards the big tent.

A few minutes later a middle-aged man with a long red trench coat, a gold button up shirt with a red bowtie around his neck, walked towards his adopted son and toddlers.

“Mumbles, Stumbles bring them inside. it's raining” He spoke in a brash tone. The two boys each picked up a toddler each and followed him back towards the tent, towards the rest of the kids he had adopted at that time, consistent of; Mumbles, Stumbles, Jungles, Jumbles, Crumbles and a child that hadn't been named yet (that was close to the twins age).

The girl twin stuck to Mumbles, followed him around everywhere, wanted to do what he was doing, listened to everything he said. The boy twin stuck to Crumbles the most, he would follow her around. Over the 5 years the twins waited to be named by The Ringmaster, Dumbles Fumbles had been named. The girl twin was slightly jealous of him as he would get special treatment from both Mumbles and Stumbles, because she looked up to Mumbles the most. They also had a few new additions to their family over the years (each having to wait 5 years to get a name).

On June 17th, 2002; 5 years after The Twins had been taken in by The Fumbles Family it was their turn to be named by The Ringmaster. The boy twin became Humbles Fumbles as he was extremely humble with everything, believing he wasn't the best (even if he was). The girl twin was named Rumbles Fumbles, The Ringmaster saw everything and believed her jealously with Dumbles would cause issues for the rest of the siblings, she was extremely hot-headed, so to him Rumbles fit her best. 

Once they had received their names they would become a part of the circus performance more regularly than just stand-ins if needed.

Humbles and Rumbles decided on their own act, aerial silk performers. The now 6 and a half year olds had been perfecting their act for as long as they could remember, Rumbles being the one enchanted by the silk at 3 years old and told her twin-brother that it would be for them, ever since they would practise, when they weren't practising the two would be following their respective older sibling around.

After being in the performance line up for 6 months their names were making headlines for their remarkable aerials using silk at their young age. The Ringmaster was extremely impressed with them.

On October 17th, 2006; The Fumbles Family Circus came to Los Santos and had their circus tent set up near Grapeseed.

Chatterbox decided to leave the funhouse when no one was home, to go see the circus that was in Grapeseed. He had heard the noise over the last couple of days and was curious to see what was happening. Chatterbox put on the tiny clown mask he had been given by Bobo when he was found outside of the Funhouse a few years prior. He snuck inside by sticking close to some random kid, it overwhelmed him seeing so many people but all the colours and lights amazed him.

Humbles and Rumbles waited for their turn to enter the ring. The 10 year olds were always filled with adrenaline right before they go on, never getting over the excitement of the crowd's cheers, especially in a new city. Rumbles had to keep moving to let some of the excitement leave her body, she did a few laps around her twin-brother, he was used to her energetic ways.

Humbles and Rumbles entered the ring while the lights were dark for the audience, they both sat on a piece of silk each and as the lights were bright again they started their performance, spinning slowly while low to the ground. They held onto an outstretched arm for support as they slowly spun higher off the ground. The twins joined on one silk as they lowered to the ground, they then started making their way higher again, Rumbles flipped from her brother, he grabbed her legs to hold her up, she was now hanging upside down spinning. The performance continued, everyone was gasping and clapping, stunned with the talented duo of children.

Chatterbox had been amazed by all the performances, his brown eyes sparkling under the mask he wore. He stayed back after all of the people left the tent, he didn't want to go back to the funhouse yet.

“Are you lost?” Mumbles asked the boy sitting in the stands, he noticed that he hadn't moved and was wearing a clown mask with fake red hair on the sides of it.

“uhhh” Chatterbox stuttered out, not used to talking to many people.

Rumbles had noticed that her older brother had stopped packing things away, so being her curious self had to go see what had stopped her older brother. That's when she noticed the boy around her age still sitting in the stands “Hi, I'm Rumbles” she said as she approached them.

“I'm Chatterbox” he replied quickly

“Do you want a tour, Chatterbox?”

“What's a tour?”

“It's when we show you everything, right Mumbles?”

“Yea, just don't go far” Mumbles replied walking off to finish his job.

“Follow me Chatterbox” Rumbles giggled as she walked off, Chatterbox followed after her in awe that she was the one that had been doing all the cool tricks on the silk earlier.

Chatterbox had snuck out everyday for the past week to hang around the circus to spend more time with Rumbles, she captivated his attention so much. He didn't understand a lot of what she was talking about most of the time as he wasn't very smart but he still listened to every word she said. When he came back on the Sunday a week and a half after meeting her she told him that they would be leaving early the next morning and this would be their last afternoon together, they had a new location to get to. He was extremely upset but didn't let her see it. He just spent the next few hours with her and listening to her.


the only main rules were that they had to meet at a circus and any significant number had to be 17.

i hope you guys like my crazy idea!! part 2 should be posted (hopefully) in the next few days.

unsure if i'll also post to ao3 as the posting part of it overwhelmed me plus posting to a new platform honestly makes me extremely nervous hehehehe

feedback is welcomes! i want to hear your thoughts

i read through the fumbles family wiki and tried as best as i could, i hope you guys like the idea behind ray & yunos names.

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