Learning to Dance

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(Trooper x Defect Rebel)
Kai's POV:
Rose told us to find...something. I honestly can't even think properly since the only thing I think about...or rather to say person is Liam.

His blue eyes and messy dirty blonde hair...oh,how I love everything about him. The only thing I want right now is to hold him close and kiss him.

"I found something" I suddenly hear Liam say.

Liam's POV:
"I found something" I say as I look at Kai approaching me. He's so perfect...

"What did you find?" The older one asked.

"It looks like an old music player." I responded

"Well,since we're here,would you like to dance?" Kai asked,with a smirk on his face.

"Oh,I...I can't dance..." I replied,a little embarrassed.

Kai's POV:
'That's my chance!' I thought before getting the courg and asked: "Well,since we're here,would you like to dance?" The younger man hesitated a little before replying "Oh,I...I can't dance..."

"Then you'll learn" I answered,as I held out my hand to which he took right after. I thought to myself that the easiest dance would be the waltz one. After the music started,I grabbed his waist,now our faces being only a few inches apart. I then took his hand and put it on my shoulder and soon,my hand intertwined with his and I began leading him.

"Step forward with the left foot,them step to the side with the right one,now close the left foot to the right one,step back with the right foot,now step to th side with the left one,and finally close the right foot to the left one."

Right after explaining I heard Liam say "I think I get it now..." As I was watching his moves

"Mhm,you're doing a great job!" He really was,he learned the dance pretty fast.

After some minutes,the music stopped and I heard Defect say with a smile on his face "That was exhausting!" He laughed.

"It really was but you did a great job!" I told him.

As we made eye contact,I just then realized that we're still in the same position. With my hand on his waist. I felt my face burn,realizing how red I probably look.

We kept the eye contact for 10 seconds before I put my finger under his chin and got closer before asking "May I?..." To which he immediately responded "You may..." Before closing the space between us completely.

Words: 419

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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