Part 1

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Hi! My name is Jan. I am an ordinary 15-year-old guy, although I look about 19 years old. I have a pretty good physique, as I do a bit of sports, and I'm also very lazy and short-tempered. I also have golden hair and a pierced nose.
Today begins the most terrible painful day, because today is the first of September..
Once upon a time, I didn't understand the people who are going through this day, because school a is just hell. However, I had no choice. As usual, I packed my things and went to this gray building called the school.
First graders were running in front of me, shouting with joy and with huge backpacks on their backs.
"What naive children. They have no idea what awaits them," I thought, looking at them.
My class had already gathered at the leneika, and I hurried to join them. After a long speech by the director, head teachers, etc., we went to our first lesson, which was dedicated to our native country.Oh, if you only knew how it pisses me off.It's the same thing every year, how can they not get tired of it?
Our teacher is on sick leave now, she is having a hard time, because only last night she had her appendicitis cut out, but she still has some complications. I'll have to go to her sometime. Otherwise, they won't be able to find a replacement right now.

Although, according to rumors, I heard that a new history teacher was hired, who will temporarily replace our homeroom teacher. In principle, I don't care, the main thing is that he would dig in and not run into me.At the first lesson, we sat like mice and then a very handsome man with dark hair and brown eyes came into the classroom, he was about 187 tall, he introduced himself as Denis Alexandrovich.The girls immediately stuck to him and even tried to make eyes at him .
Denis Alexandrovich sat down at the table and looked at me strangely. I didn't even understand why. His gaze swept over everyone in this class. It was as if he was evaluating each student and it was a little alarming.
During the lesson, I often noticed his gaze on the guys, including me. My heart was beating faster, because I didn't even know how to behave. All I could do was count the minutes until the bell rang and hope he didn't notice me. When the bell rang, I was one of the very first to run out of the classroom. It was only outside these walls that I felt like I could breathe again, and it was a little comforting.Suddenly, one of Chris's closest friends came up to me.
- Well, hello, pussy.She giggled.
-"I'm not a pussy," I pouted.
- but now he looks so much like a pussy.
Chris was one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in school.All the guys just loved her.
Chris also had long blonde hair and blue eyes. Honestly, for some time I was even jealous of her, but as a friend. Chris is always cheerful, she is always happy and I am glad, because if it wasn't for her, who knows where I would have ended up.
- Chris, are you going home now? I asked in the hope that she would be able to take a walk.
- Well, it depends on why you need it.
- Maybe I want to go out with you today.
- Well, that's what I would have said right away. Let's go.- the girl took my hand and we went to the exit. At one point, I noticed a gaze on me, but she really wanted to turn around, but Chris immediately stopped when she saw the handsome teacher.
- Is this your historian?"What is it?" she asked, looking at him appraisingly.
- Well, yes. Chris, let's go already.- I didn't like the way he looked at us at all.
Anyway, he was kind of old. Just like a maniac. I took her by the hand and forcibly dragged her out of school.Chris resisted, she's always like that when she saw a handsome guy, but I wanted to leave as soon as possible and it was because of the historian.
- Jan, what's wrong with you? It's like you've seen a murderer and you don't know what to do.Chris grinned, sitting at the table in the cafe.- well, you can say that. This guy bothers me.- he really bothered me. Even more, he gave me goosebumps.
- Oh, come on.Chris patted my shoulder as if to comfort me. I looked at her with piercing eyes.
- All right. Okay.- She said

She took a sip of coffee. We spent almost four hours in this cafe. During this time, Chris told me a lot of new things, in particular about the fact that they have a brand new and rather handsome new one. I wasn't really interested in the details, but she kept telling me.
Then we went to her house. This is something like a tradition here. I spend the night with her on the first call, and she stays with me on the second.
Chris and I have known each other for almost five years. She's my best and only friend. We didn't hide anything from each other once, we're not even shy of each other at all. She can easily change her clothes in front of me, in other things, just like I do in front of her.
We sat down at a table in a separate room and drank coffee with hot sandwiches. She offered me a full meal, but I wasn't that hungry yet. After that, we went to watch the movie that Chris had chosen. It was a horror movie and I can tell you it's very interesting. I was so immersed in watching it that I didn't even notice how the Crts was already sleeping sweetly on my shoulder. I smiled, carefully put her on the bed, turned off the laptop and made a bed for myself on the floor.
"Good night," I said to her, covering her with a blanket and went to bed myself.

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