Part 2

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I woke up because I felt something warm and soft next to me. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was lying in Chris's arms, and that a small child was sniffing softly and smiling. I smiled involuntarily and got up quietly so as not to wake her up. I know that this dormouse will sleep for a long time, so I went to make breakfast.
Her kitchen was spacious and the fridge
was full of groceries. I decided not to bother with cooking and make us semolina porridge. to be honest, I'm eating semolina porridge. After cooking breakfast, he washed our fruits and added a banana to the semolina porridge.And after making us coffee, I went to wake up Chris, because soon we will go back to this hell.I had already crept up to her and shouted-Get up, Sonya, control!!!!-Chris quickly jumped out of bed and fell right on top of me. Her eyes were closed and her head was on my chest. - Soft..- she said and ran her hand over my torso. I blushed terribly..
- Hey, Chris, what are you doing anyway??I asked, puzzled. The girl just giggled.
- That's what I wanted to ask you-she got up and helped me get up-And why are you blushing so much anyway!? You looked like a "tomato"
-I didn't blush at anything and in general you are a tomato yourself..Go have breakfast, it's getting cold tomorrow.
- Oh, breakfast!- she screamed and ran to the kitchen-Food! Food!The girl shouted joyfully. I followed her.- Thank you, thank you very much!Chris sat down at the table, but she hadn't started eating yet. She was waiting for me.  I sat down opposite and began to eat semolina porridge while Chris had already eaten everything.
- Yummy.- She talked.
- I'm very glad that you liked it.
As soon as I finished everything, I got up from the table and was about to wash the dishes, but Chris beat me to it.
"Since you've made breakfast, I'll wash the dishes." And you go get ready today is a very hard day. Chris was staring into the water. I had a really good day, even though Chris joined my class yesterday.In the first pair (algebra), h sat and looked at all the integrals as if he had fallen from the moon, but Chris, on the contrary, decided everything so quickly and easily, as if she had known this material since childhood. In the second lesson, the teacher gave us independent work, which I safely copied from Chris, who so kindly agreed not to help.
I didn't want to go to the next class, because I couldn't stand English, but it was nothing compared to history. I was afraid to show up at all. That's why my fifth point felt something was wrong. And I felt it right. The third couple we just had a "story.."
I was sitting with Chris and looking at her all the time. And she somehow embarrassedly asked me to look away from her, but I did not agree. Honestly, I was probably just afraid to make eye contact with my teacher or worse, to see his appraising gaze that was riveted on me. I was looking forward to running out of couples, but even the call didn't save me...When I was about to leave, the teacher said
- Jan, stay, we need to talk.- I shuddered all over. I looked at Chris
"You'll wait for me, won't you?"? I asked her.
- Yes, I will be waiting at the entrance to the school.She winked at me and left.
The teacher and I were left alone. I stood as if I were in a ditch.
- Jan, have a seat.He pointed to a chair near the teacher's desk. I reluctantly backed up there. Something was telling me, "Run, Run and don't turn around. This is not good."- but I didn't listen to that voice, and I really shouldn't have..
I sat down on a chair and waited for the teacher to say something. My eyes were glued to the beautiful vase with flowers. But the teacher's question made me look up from the vase.
- Have you ever had a girlfriend, or at least once?I looked at him questioningly, but the teacher was completely serious.
- it wasn't.I answered timidly.
- And the guys?- something clicked in my brain."He's kidding me!"- of course not! I'm not gay! And what kind of questions are there anyway?- My heart was beating at breakneck speed, I was about to get up and leave, but he stopped me.Denis approached me closely.
- you can tell me everything.- he was so close that I could feel his breath.
- I have a lot to tell you . I'm sorry, but I have to go.- I ran out of the classroom and went to Chris, who was waiting for me.- Chris!!I shouted, and she turned around.
- You've been taking a long time.She looked at my scared face.
- What happened?"What is it?" she asked
- I'll tell you later. And now let's go from here.- I've been leashing her since school. Chris did not resist and obediently followed me. When there were no more people in sight, I stopped and started shouting.
- he started saying that I was gay!! And in all seriousness.What should I do?- I looked at her hopefully, but the girl stood in shock and smiled
- It's not weird. You're so cute and you don't have a girlfriend, of course anyone would love you...- she didn't have time to finish because I put my hand over her mouth and gave her an evil look
- It's not funny. I'm afraid of him," I said
- Well, if you want, I can play along with you. Like I'm your girlfriend.She smiled and came close to me. - Chris..- That's all I could say. She hugged me and kissed me on the lips, trying to penetrate him with her tongue. My eyes widened because I didn't know how to kiss like that, and even with Chris, I walked away from her, blushing terribly.
- Well, I say cutie.She giggled.
- Chris, are you stupid or what? What for?- ch turned away and tried to calm down.
- I wanted to check something, but you didn't let me do it.
- Check what?I looked at her.
- Will you get aroused by my touch?- She said.
- Damn, Chris, that's enough.- it confuses me.- I went to the front, and she caught up with me and started giggling.
- Well, I say cutie.She giggled.
- Chris, are you stupid or what? What for?- ch turned away and tried to calm down.
- I wanted to check something, but you didn't let me do it.
- Check what?I looked at her.
- Will you get aroused by my touch?- She said.
- Damn, Chris, that's enough.- it confuses me.- I went to the front, and she caught up with me and started giggling.
- Well, I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you. Chris was saying, but I could teach you a lot.So what?
"You're my friend, isn't that right?"
- Well, in principle, it can spoil our friendship if one of us falls in love with the other.But suddenly you're gay," she giggled.
- I'm not gay!!!I shouted at the whole street.People looked at me like I was an idiot.I took her hand and ran away from the eyes of others.
"Hey, Jan, don't run so fast. I'm falling off my feet.
- I'm sorry, I want to get away from people, they bother me.
- Everyone bothers you.
- And that's not all.- I pretended to be offended.
- Oh, that's it, I'm silent.She folded her hands like, "I give up."
- That's better.- I smiled and we were already walking at a normal pace.
- Jan, - she said.
- What?- I asked.
- Will we go to school together tomorrow?
yes. - I smiled and we parted after saying goodbye.

*At home*
I lay there and thought about what the teacher had told me.
"Why does he want me to be gay so much?Is he one of these? Maybe he wants me to be his boyfriend? Damn, this is too much. I didn't sign up for this. Damn, maybe really let Chris be my girlfriend. In principle, she can, she can teach me everything that I do not know and do not know how to do, and maybe even help me find a girl... I'm completely confused. What's going on?!"
These thoughts haunted me and I turned from side to side and so on until nightfall. I fell asleep at about 4 a.m. I will not call my sleep calm either, because even in it I continued to think about my "teacher"

My teacher is gayWhere stories live. Discover now