Chapter 7

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**SEIZURE WARNING: The YouTube video features flashing lights**


Once again, Izzy found herself dressed all in black, waiting behind the abandoned mental hospital. And once again, she wished she'd worn sweatpants. At least she had gloves. Because the nights were definitely cooling off now. She bounced on the balls of her feet and rubbed her hands over her arms.

Caleb had picked up Brie before grabbing Izzy, so neither of them would need to risk taking a car. Izzy's parents hadn't been home at the time, but she never knew when they'd be back. Better not to chance it, so she texted them she'd gone to bed before slipping out the window. But now, as they waited, she wondered. Maybe she should have told someone where they were going. Did anyone outside the group know? If they disappeared tonight, they may never be found.

Caleb checked his watch for the tenth time. "I should have told her earlier. She's always late."

"I wish she'd hurry. This place is giving me the chills," Brie said, glancing around.

The clouds covered the moon, making for a particularly dark night. At least, it would be dark if the hospital wasn't lit up like a daycare after nap time. Somehow all those lights made the place more menacing, the broken shadows stretching like claws to the dark forest.

"How'd you sneak in with it all lit up like this before?" Brie asked.

"It wasn't."

They stuck to the edge of the treeline with their backs against a large oak, silent and alert. Izzy picked at the rough bark with her nails, trying to still her racing heart. Trying to forget what she'd seen in the woods the last time. Don't think about the shadows. She'd hidden a butcher's knife in her backpack this time. It probably wouldn't be useful, but just knowing it was there made her feel a bit better. Maybe she could stab Ren if she ever bothered to show up. "Do you think she's even coming? Are you sure we can trust her?"

"She'll come," Caleb said. "She's not punctual, but she'll be here. And she knows how to keep a secret."

"I'll bet," Izzy muttered. She heard the light crinkle of a plastic bag before Brie popped something into her mouth.

"Dried Mango?" she asked, chewing.

"You brought snacks?" Caleb asked, craning his neck around to look at her.

Brie shrugged. "No reason to starve. You want some or not?"

Caleb rolled his eyes and turned forward, but Izzy took one. Chewing gave her something to focus on at least. "Thanks," she said, popping it into her mouth.

After a couple more minutes, she heard the whine of a motorbike in the distance. It came closer before cutting out.

"That's probably her," Caleb said. "Finally."

They shrunk back into the shadows and listened for footsteps. Suddenly, they heard a sharp pop. With a flash, all the lights cut out.

Izzy gasped and blinked her eyes against the total darkness, trying to adjust. "What happened?"

They huddled closer together, crouching as Caleb pulled a flashlight from his backpack. He flicked it on and swung the beam around the area, but it was all trees and shadows. After a tense moment, Izzy heard approaching footsteps as a beam of light crested over the hill.

"Ren?" Caleb called out.

"If it's not her, we're dead," Brie hissed.

Not necessarily. Izzy slipped her backpack around, pulling out her flashlight with one hand, and concealing the knife in the other. With a shaky hand, she pointed the light at the person heading their way.

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