Chapter 14: Path To Anbu!

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Y/n PoV 

After I made my declaration to protect those closest to me, I understood the kind of things I needed to do... That I must change into something more akin to a monster, rather than a human.. I knew the only way Danzo Shimura would accept me was through trial by combat. This is a test I must pass.. For a strength that only I could achieve, because by all means would I win! 

"You need at least one hit, one hit with you're power and not that curses" Danzo said aloud, I looked at him with determination, a burning fire that would never die.. "Rika, Create an opening for me" I said to her quietly. She moved ahead without any warning 'My Power, what is my power'? I thought, "what can I do besides manipulate the cursed energy flow"? I said aloud, I then heard a thundering boom sound. I looked up and saw Lord Danzo had pushed Rika back... "That fights getting intense"! I had to think of a way to beat this guy... As I closed my eyes and focused on thinking, a strange sensation brushed through my thoughts. 'What is this'? I thought to myself, something began to visualize inside of my head... "Is this, chakra"? I said aloud, I looked at this visualization and began to notice that some chakra's were bigger than others 

"It is"! I shouted, as I began to lose focus the large amount of chakras began to fade away into nothingness 'Crap'! I opened my eyes to see  Lord Danzo using the shadow clone hand signs "Shadow Clone Justsu" He Shouted at the end. Two Danzo's appeared on each respective side, totaling to 3, two of which rushed at Rika, and one began moving towards me. I noticed this and began to run in the opposite direction 'I need time' I began to panic... Then I saw something outlining the Tree's 'Chakra'? I thought, I looked back to see Lord Danzo disappeared... "Huh, wher-" I suddenly got kicked in the face with a crap ton of force "Aghhh"! I cried in pain 'F-ck that hurt! That really f-cking hurt!!!' I Mentally shouted... "You should know, running away from a ninja isn't so easy"! Lord Danzo said... I looked up and had seen the outline of his chakra 'Why the hell am I seeing chakra? I can't even use chakra!' But oddly enough there was another mysterious energy surrounding Him. 

'What's this Black and Blue energy? It reeks of hatred'! My confusion began to overtake me, and suddenly I was kicked in the face again, Blood came gushing out of my mouth from the sheer force... 'Damn this geezer hits hard'! I looked back and had not seen the old bastard... Then a slicing like feeling hit my brain, and for some reason, I felt like dodging and so I did. Lord Danzo's foot had smashed into the ground where I once was... 'My Cursed energy feels a lot different than before... It's kind of light' I thought, then my body simply moved on it's own, I realized I was much faster than before considering I ran right into tree and had gone through it completely... 'My face is also healing by its self.. Could this be that positive feeling from back then'? I turned and Lord Dazno stood at the ready. "So, Things are finally heating up huh"? I smiled "Yeah, and I'm gonna burn right through you"! 

Narrator Pov

As Y/n and Danzo rushed at each other, Y/n noticed that he could see almost every single piece of muscle fiber, he could see how each piece is being moved by chakra, and even cursed energy.. 'I can read his moves. My next attack relies on this mysterious skill I've obtained' He thought to himself. As the distance was closing he shouted out one name "RIKA"! Y/n jumped over Danzo's head and landed on a tree branch, Rika's fist then made contact with Danzo's gut.. But it didn't matter if Y/n never landed the hit, Danzo went flying back into a tree and he gone through several more.. "Hey Rika, what are the things I can do with cursed energy" He asked the Queen. Rika at first didn't respond "Rika, hello"? He asked his friend in worry. "Hmmmm, It depends on what you want it to do" She said. "What I want it to do"? Y/n then began to think back to that moment he landed the 'BLACK FLASH' and the strange sensation it created in his CE, and body, and mind... "Hey Rika, do you think there are cursed techniques similar to that of the black flash"? He asked, she nodded yes.. "The black flash isn't a technique, it's a phenomenon, there are things called Cursed Techniques that do exist though" She corrected like a teacher. 

"I see, do you think I could create a technique"? He asked Rika, she said no.. "You already have one, you just don't use it" She said... "HUHHHHH, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT"! He screamed, Rika looked at him and said "You never asked". Y/n turned towards Danzo who began to recoil from the hit "So how do I use my technique"!? Rika looked at him and smirked "Usually you'd have to eat a limb or have a very strong connection to the user of another technique or ability, like that vision you were experiencing... It was from the Hyuga girl" She said that last part with a growl... "Because of my connection??? I don't understand" He said confused.. Rika brushed it off and told him not to worry about it, and gave him the run down of his ct "So my ct allows me to copy things for a certain period of time, or in some cases, such as you devouring a limb.. And the time also depends on the power of the other persons technique"! Rika gave a yes sound... "Hey Rika, what if you were to absorb somebodies chakra... Do you think we'd be able to use every jutsu in their arsenal"? Rika began to think, but before she chould Danzo yelled something "FIRE BALL JUTSU" he then blew a stream of fire at the two, who dodged.. Y/n then ordered Rika to try and absorb Danzo's chakra.. 

"This battle will end in the next move"! 

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