The Meeting

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September 17th, 186410 Years Ago

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September 17th, 1864
10 Years Ago...

Our story begins at a peaceful town near the edge of Mississippi called Willowbrook, the summer sun hanging high in the sky as it casts a warm golden glow over the small area. The creek that ran through the town shimmered in the light, its gentle babble becomes a companion for those who wandered along its muddy banks.

An ordinary African-American 12-year-old boy always finds comfort near the creek. Today was no different as he skipped stones across the water, the rhythmic plunk-plunk of the stones offering a soothing sound to his trouble thoughts.

His attire corresponds the fashion of any young lad, particularly around these parts. He is decked out in a simple cotton shirt with one of his denim suspenders strapped on fully of his denim overalls, slightly worn at the knees from hours of scouring the countryside. His sleeves were short enough to catch the breeze of the flowing wind and reveal his lean, sun-kissed arms. His leather boots were chafed but surprisingly, well cared for his age, a testament to his obsession of wandering off the beaten path. His thick, jet-black bangs, framing his swarthy skin and black eyes.

As he sat by the creek, a furrow creased his brow. His parents had been arguing a lot lately, their voices carrying through the thin walls of their modest homestead on the outskirts of town. The boy sighed, skipping another stone with more force than necessary trying to drown out the memories of their heated words.

The quiet was shattered when he was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps and a bright, enthusiastic voice.

"Howdy there! Whatcha doin'?"

The boy, a little startled, turned to see a petite girl, around 10 years old, with fiery red hair that faded into hot pink, tied in a messy ponytail, her magenta eyes gleaming with curiosity. She wore a devilish grin that promised trouble—or adventure in some circumstances.

Her attire consisted of a bright, red gingham dress with a white trim that reached her knees, as well as puffed sleeves. Her waist was cinched with a leather belt adorned with a silver buckle. Her well-worn cowgirl boots added a touch of roughed charm to her impression.

"Just passin' the time, skippin' stones," The boy replied, taken aback by the girl's sudden appearance. "Who're ya?"

"Millicent Brooks, but folks call me Milly," she said, immediately plopping down next to him without invitation. "Just moved here with my pa."

The boy nodded, grateful for the distraction.
"I'm Sean. Nice to meet you, Milly."

Milly's eyes darted around, taking in the creek and the surrounding trees. "This here place is somethin' else. You come here often?"

"Yeah, it's pretty much my spot when I need it," Sean said, his voice speaks gentle and slow. "Keeps me outta the ruckus at home."

Milly's expression softened. "Sorry to hear that, Sean. You ain't gotta talk 'bout it if ya don't wan't to. No worries. Grown-ups don't see eye to eye."

Sean managed a small smile. "Thanks, Milly. Reckon you're right."

Milly grinned. "Wanna see somethin' cool? Found me a secret hideout."

Sean's curiosity was piqued. "A secret hideout? Where?"

Milly jumped to her feet, her enthusiasm infectious. "Follow me!"

She led him through the trees, her small frame darting very easily between the branches. Sean followed in her direction, his longer legs struggling to keep up with her energetic pace as it occasionally snagging on thorns and branches.


They came to a large, oak tree, its branches sprawling out like a natural fortress. Milly scrambled up the trunk with ease, her movements confident and sure. Sean watched, a little impressed for her upper strength, before he, too, following her up. When he reached the top, he found a small platform nestled among the branches, hidden from view by the thick foliage around them.

"Wow," Sean said, looking around. "This is amazin'."

"I know, right?" Milly beamed. "Found it the other day. Figured it could be our own secret hideaway."

Sean smiled. "Our hideaway, huh?"

Milly nodded vigorously. "Yep! And we can be cowpokes! Always wanted to be one."

Sean chuckled softly, the sound rich and warm. "Me too. We can be partners, ridin' through the west, savin' the day like heroes."

Milly's face lit up. "Partners in crime! We'll be the best cowfolk ever!"

As they sat together, getting to know each other and planning their adventures under the leafy shelter of their newfound hideout. Sean felt the weight of his family troubles ease, if only for a moment. The sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the creek, and reluctantly, they climbed down from the tree.

"I reckon I'm plum tuckered out," Milly said with a yawn, stretching her arms wide.

"Same here. Meet back here tomorrow?" Sean asked.

"Definitely! Good night, partner." Milly waved

Sean smiled warmly. "Night, partner."


825 words

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