Ch - 12 ° The Torn Half

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After some time of bickering, the three finally decided to get some sleep. It was nearly past midnight and they didn't even notice it until Saki peeked outside to see a pitch black and a dead silent village.

Finally ending their conversation, they all greeted each other a good night and hit the hay. Saki instantly drifted off, completely tired out by the end of the day.

It was quite the opposite for the other two though. Shinobu's mind couldn't help but keep replaying evening's scene again and again, as if they were repeated specifically to torture her with embarrassment.

"Kocho? Daijoubu desu ka?" His ever so stoic face, displaying a hint of genuine concern.

Her face couldn't help but break into a genuine smile. After so many years of bickering, teasing, taunting, he was finally opening up to her. She felt happy knowing he was expressing himself more.

She was so used to everyone falling for her fake personality until she met Giyuu.

She couldn't get him to become friends, no matter how hard she tried, he always pushed her away. It was as if he always knew she put an act in front of him. Her tactics always seem to fail, only agitating her more, breaking her promise to always smile.

But today, she couldn't help but feel relieved that in all these years, she was finally able to see this side of him. It made her feel appreciated that he actually cared about her.

With that thought of satisfaction, she finally drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


"Tch." Giyuu clicked his tongue as he uncomfortably shifted on the bed. Insomnia wasn't a problem for him till now, except today. His mind couldn't help but drown him with today's memorable events.

"Tomioka-san!" She yelped at the sudden closure of distance, her pale complexion suddenly turning red.

Feeling a dangerous mix of emotions, he could feel his heartbeat pace faster with the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. His mind seemed to betray his wishes as his embarrassment only increased.

Why did he even do that?

He didn't know.

What was the purpose of it?

He didn't know.

What was he even thinking?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that his mind took over his body, moving on its own.

His hand banged on the bed, the sound of the impact being muffled by the soft bed. He could feel the agitation and frustration increasing inside him.

He was tired physically but his mind seemed a little too active. He shifted around, his eyes suddenly landing on his childhood picture. The beautiful, charming and bright smile seemingly improved his current mood.

His eyelids were slowly getting heavy as still kept staring at the picture, the memories of the past filling him.

"I wish I was him."

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