1. The Wedding

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Growing up surrounded by men training for war, I never thought I'd meet someone who would make me want to be a better man. But then, fate brought us together. When I saw her running through the training chambers, crying and thanking the General for his safety. She was enchanting, breathtaking - the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I fell deeply in love with her grace, thoughtful words, and ability to rise above trivial matters.

I felt blessed to have survived death, but I never imagined I'd be lucky in life too. Enough to marry my ultimate liking, my first love - Princess Sofia.

I was brought back from my imagination when the qazi (priest) asked her permission to which Sofia's whisper from behind the veil left me breathless.
"Jee Qabool hai"
(Yes, I accept)

At that moment, the world stopped. She was mine, and I was hers. As we exchanged our promises and the nikkah ceremony ended, I thanked God silently for this gift.
"You gave me life and someday you'll take it back but until then I wish to live in peace and harmony with the ultimate blessing in the form of Sofia. I will always be in debt but I will always thank you for giving me the best"

"I always thought my little sister would marry a king, but I'm thrilled to see her marry the knight in his shining armor. Congratulations Rayyan"
King Aryan embraced me, congratulating me on marrying his only sister.

As we hugged each other I remembered my promise to the late King Azur when he passed away to always stand faithful to the prince and princess and always protect them as my own. I hugged Aryan tightly, promising myself to stand by him forever once again.

Soon the ceremony ended and I made my way toward 'Our Bed Chamber' Just thinking about it made me smile, I was now married to the woman who would often come in my dreams and I always tried to keep my distance from her being the knight. It's surreal to think that now we will spend the rest of our lives together.

Standing by the door I looked and the dimly lit room I wasn't even in the room and my heart was already going crazy. Everything sounded extremely silent and I got paranoid as reality hit me once again

'I, a nothing married to her royal highness'

Straightening my clothes, I smelled my armpits and checked my breath. Thinking not to upset my wife with my unacceptable social awkwardness.

Taking a deep breath I knocked at the door and waited patiently, only to meet with silence I knocked again, and there was no answer. I got a little worried, knocking for the last time but still no answer. So I slowly opened the door just to be greeted by her on the prayer mat her hands mid-air as her cheeks shimmered with fresh tears.

She looked too calm but her tears spoke otherwise. I couldn't move, she looked surreal glowing under the small flames of the torches, and the shimmering moonlight

I heard her clearing her throat and as if the spell broke I panicked realizing I probably looked like a stalker peeking on her. Unconsciously my mouth spoke,
"Assalamualikum" (peace be upon you)

She smiled as she replied
(Peace be upon you too)

Which brought a smile to my face, she gestured for me to come inside. The room smelled of fresh jasmine and burning sandalwood. The whole experience was new and scary I wanted to run away but leaving her alone was not an option for now and for the rest of my life.

"Let's eat" she spoke setting up the small table untouched with meals almost replicating the beauty that I wanted to always remain the same but every beauty came to cease and we started eating regardless, she ate delicately "How can someone be so ethereal while eating"

Rayyan's Wife SofiaWhere stories live. Discover now