Richard had returned home in a foul mood. This was ok with Alice since she was finding it hard to act normal after her encounter with Martin. The thought of it brought a pulsing headache to her temples. She had already decided she wasn't going to tell Richard. It was a mistake – one she could hardly remember, so what was the point? They were finally getting their marriage on track, and she wasn't going to be the one to de-rail it again. She woke early on the day they were leaving for the Inn. She tiptoed downstairs, letting Richard sleep in some. Maybe that would improve his mood, she thought. She brewed a pot of coffee and sat on a bar stool at the island waiting for it to percolate. Tapping her fingers anxiously, she scanned the counter for something to read. She had developed a constant need for distraction. The less she thought about the events of the other night, the less guilt she felt. She had ignored two calls from Martin since then. She could only imagine what he would have said "babe, relax– these things happen. We are primal creatures who yearn to seek pleasure. You were just doing what came natural." She rolled her eyes at this, thinking up her imaginary rebuttal. She grabbed her phone off the counter, except it wasn't her phone. Realizing this a moment too late, she had clicked on "texts" to see if there was anything from Jess. "Leave me alone." Alice squinted at the text in confusion. Clicking to enlarge the text, she noticed the name of the sender: "Meghan." She gulped hard, her blood pumping in her ears. Why would she be saying that to Richard? She racked her brain for some reasonable explanation but could come up with nothing. The coffee pot sat un-touched. No one talks like that to their boss. Hungry for an explanation she grabbed the phone and mounted the stairs. Richard was still sound asleep. He looked so peaceful at rest that for a moment she considered not waking him. The urge to question him however, took over. "Richard!" She had meant for it to come as a whisper. He jumped to a seated position in bed. "What? What is it?" Unable to find the words, she tossed the phone onto the bed. She watched as a look of ill-concealed terror dawned across his face. He glanced quickly at the texts, looking panicked. "Well?" Alice crossed her arms and starred at him, waiting. "I can explain honey." He cleared his throat, sounding guilty already. She felt the threat of tears stinging her eyes. "Richard, please tell me this isn't what it sounds like. Why would she ever say such a thing to you? You're her boss?" He stood, seeming to gain some composure. "She quit Alice. That's all. I implemented a new dress code at the office and she wasn't willing to comply. Plain and simple." She eyed him quizzically as he rubbed the sleep out of eyes – he continued. "You know those generation Y kids! They don't have much regard for authority figures." By now he was gesturing with his hands. A telltale sign of bullshit, Alice knew. "I mean, here she had a great job in a leading firm with career stability and..." His eyes met hers and she gave him that look that said 'You can stop now. I know you're full of shit.' Richard sat back on the bed, shoulder slumped. He rubbed his face and groaned into his hands. Alice wasn't prepared for what came next. "I'm so sorry Alice. It was just one time. I'm an idiot. It meant nothing to me, you have to understand that." He looked up at her pleadingly. Her stomach dropped. She could hardly look him in the eye. "What are you saying Richard? Did you sleep with her – that girl from your office?" The image of the two of them together came pouring into her brain like hot wax, suffocating her thoughts. "No....No...please...No." She pleaded with her mind to empty. He reached out to touch her shoulder but she stood too quickly. "How could you do this to me Richard!" They remained silent for a minute while she paced the floor. And then it dawned on her, she had done the same thing to him. The anger she felt was so intense that she considered telling him. Settling the score. Maybe more importantly, making him feel the same hurt and disgust. Just as she opened her mouth to begin he blurted the words that would forever change her life: "She's pregnant."
Alice knew. She knew and it broke his heart to know that she could never look at him the same now. She grabbed her jewelry box off the dresser and threw it at him. "You fucking prick!" Earrings scattered on the hardwood, barely audible above her screams. "Well now we know that your swimmers work just fine. I bet you're happy about that, huh? Look at me Richard! Where did you fuck her? Here? At the office?" Richard didn't dare approach her. She had every right to be this angry. He understood. He had never been so angry at himself either. Nothing would ever top this, he realized as he stood helpless and watched his wife unravel. Alice got onto her stomach on the floor and started lugging something heavy from under the bed. It was the chest of baby clothes she had vowed to throw out. "Is she keeping it?" She began to throw the tiny articles of clothing at him. "Here you go. See, I kept these Richard. I had a feeling we'd be needing them soon for a baby. I just didn't realize it was your baby." She started screaming and then collapsed into a ball, sobbing into her knees. He knelt down beside her and rubbed her back. She reared her head back and spit in his face. "Go to your whore!" she said between gritted teeth. Her eyes were wild. It physically pained him to see what he had done to her. "I'm so sorry Alice." He repeated this a few times under his breath. "Go!" she screamed "You don't fucking live here anymore! Get away from me!" He stood and slowly backed out of the room, not knowing what to do next. *** Five hours later Richard sat in a hotel room downtown, drunk and alone. He had ruined the lives of two women – one whom he loved dearly. He deserved to be alone. He checked his phone. No missed calls or texts. He hadn't attempted to call Meghan since the day before. Why bother now? Alice already knew the truth. There was no secret left to protect. Alice. He would try her again. Stumbling over the bed, he dialed their home. No one answered. He pounded his fist on the night stand. There was nothing for him to do but wait. He would hole up here until she called. He pulled the curtains tight to block out the light of day and poured himself another drink.
ChickLitRichard and Alice look to be the perfect couple but the stress of years of infertility struggle have weakened their bond. Richards new assistant at his law firm is posing to be an even bigger threat to their once strong marriage. Follow along as t...