The Wall has been Breached

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(Episode 20 - 24)

Screams were heard by all of us as the Phantom lunged. Its mouth is wide open and hands out ready to hurt us. At least that's how we left off. In the Phantom dimension, the creatures seem to also move around whether we're here or not.

Currently, we are back at the back of the bus, in the graveyard but the phantom is no longer in the bus with us. Ashlyn pushed Aiden away for her as she started to get into leader mode. In a whisper, she told us to duck down behind the seats.

"Still here?" Tyler said in a whisper and Ashlyn nodded in confirmation as she was still able to hear it around us. We were all squished in on the floor. There wasn't enough room for all of us to be behind the seats comfortably, so I was closer to some people than to my liking. But right now accidentally brushing against someone else should be the least of my concern.

"What do we do?" Taylor asked

Ashlyn took a moment to think before answering "...We'll have to kill it."

"And how are we going to do that?"

We could have Logan shoot it through the window?" Aiden suggested, but Logan didn't look like he liked that idea.

"No, the gun is for emergencies only." Ashlyn disagreed with him.

"This is an emergency!" Tyler disagreed, getting a little angry.

"An emergency is a swarm or one of us is about to die. We don't have many bullets, so we need to try and kill it with our weapons first and have Logan as our backup." Suddenly she stopped talking and shushed quietly. She must have heard the Phantom approaching.

"Hide under the seats. (Y/n) do you have it in you to hide with someone?" I nodded a yes as all of us quickly tried to hide.

As the phantom approached we were able to hear it now. Watch heavily step against the metal. I could hear my heart pounding loudly as it got closer, I tried to keep my eye close while covering my mouth, I was too afraid to move or even make a single sound. I heard a sound next to me, did Ashlyn try to move? I opened my eyes so I could look at her but I found the phantom staring right at me. Its head bent unnaturally to look under the seat. I felt my heart spotting at that moment.

The phantom's head spun in the proper placement as he kept its gaze right at us. I let out a scream, I felt my heart stopping, trying to pull myself from under the seat as fast as possible. Once I pulled out Ashlyn rolled right after me in a hurry. But she wasn't so lucky. "Ashlyn!"

"AGH!" The Phantom grabs her hair as she tries to get out. I grab the braid that was caught and try to pull it near her head with a slight hope that it would help. "GET THE WEAPONS!"

Tyler yelled back that he got them so I could assume the others got theirs too. I continue to try and pull Ashley's hair free along with her. The tears made my vision blurry, I didn't want her to die, like this. I felt her hand on my shoulder. I didn't know if it was because of my anxiety or how scared I was but I let go of her and when I did, she was able to pull herself to the phantom and kick it causing it to let her go.

I saw something pull her up from the seat and it wasn't the phantom I could tell since it was still on the ground in the tight space. I got up, wiping my eyes with my shirt. I heard yelling coming from that seat. Aiden, Ashlyn, and Logan left the seat and in the space, the phantom pulled itself up.

Logan almost bumped into me, stepping on my toes as he tried to get away. From what I could see behind him Aiden grabbed the phantom and pulled it on top of him, pushing the phantom its head out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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