011. ─── edge of great

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EPISODE SEVEN:edge of great !

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edge of great !

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THEIR PERFORMANCE OF FINALLY FREE HAPPENED ROUGHLY A WEEK AGO, AND KAT WAS STILL ELATED. She knew she wanted a career in music since the first time she sang, she just never guessed she would've started a band with her best friend and three ghosts that appeared out of nowhere.

In any case, before Kat went home, Ray told herself and Julie that they needed to focus on school, and if they ever had another performance, Julie shouldn't sneak out and Kat shouldn't help her.

She agreed, obviously, and Julie told her dad she'd inform him of everything.

Kat had left her house earlier that morning to make her way over to the Molinas, just like she always did, but instead of going to the studio, she actually walked through the front door. Shocker, she knows.

"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see," were words she was not expecting to come out of Ray's mouth as she entered. She caught sight of Julie walking down the stairs and the two of them shared a look with one another before walking into the kitchen.

"I got a spark in me, hands up if you're with me," the familiar voice of Reggie joined in. "I got a spark in me, hands up. . ."

Julie placed her backpack on the chair and Kat stood beside her, leaning her arms on the counter. "This is new," Julie noticed, glancing between her dad and Reggie.

"Yeah, I was in the mood for cooking some breakfast," Ray told her.

Reggie chuckled, and Kat had to admit it was adorable. "He thought you were talking to him. Me and your dad are pals now. It's a little one-sided, but. . . it works."

"Look, after the talk we had the other night, I was thinking that I may have cost you an opportunity with that manager. So, I was thinking─"

"Dad, no," Julie interrupted. "I never should've snuck out."

"Let the man speak," Reggie countered. "He's been stress eating all week. I don't know where he puts it, though. It's, like. . . firm," he gestured to Ray's stomach and Kat had to refrain from laughing out loud.

"I know, but I really want to support your band, so I called in a few favors, and I booked you a local gig," Ray announced excitedly.

"Best dad ever! What?" Reggie declared.

"Oh, my gosh. Where?" Julie asked. "Did you call your buddy from Drakes?"

"Not quite," Ray answered. "I called Flynn, and she's gonna help us throw a party. Here. Tonight."

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