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Scott was woken up by the shining light coming through the window. Scott, Lydia, and Liam lay sprawled across the room, equally hungover. A quick scan confirmed what Stiles feared: he was nowhere to be found.
"Guys, wake up!" Scott groaned, sitting up and rubbing his temples. "We have a problem."
Lydia stirred, clutching her head. "What happened last night? And where's Stiles?"
"He's got to be at the altar in five hours," Liam mumbled, his voice hoarse. "We need to find him."
The Night Before
The chaos began at the rehearsal dinner. Stiles was nervous, as expected. To calm his nerves, Scott, Lydia, and Liam had suggested a quiet drink. One drink turned into several, and before they knew it, Theo Raeken and Allison Argent had joined their merry band.
They moved to a swanky club downtown, the kind with a line out the door and a bouncer who looked like he could benchpress a car. Allison arrived with a mischievous glint in her eye, and Theo, always ready for trouble, suggested shots. Stiles, caught up in the excitement and wanting to let loose before the big day, readily agreed.
Laughter filled the bar as the drinks kept flowing. Stiles, in high spirits, declared, "Let's make this a night to remember!"
The First Clue: The Club
The next morning, Scott found the first clue: Stiles' jacket draped over a bar stool at the club. "He was definitely here," he muttered, scanning the area for more hints. The bartender, recognizing their desperation, slid over a small, crumpled note.
"He left this," the bartender said. It was a receipt for an Uber ride to another club across town.
"Let's go," Lydia said, rallying the group despite their pounding headaches.
The Fight with Peter
At the second club, they ran into Peter Hale, who was nursing a black eye and a bruised ego. He glared as they approached.
"What do you want?" Peter snapped, clearly in a foul mood.
"Peter, we need to know what happened last night," Scott pleaded. "Stiles is missing, and he's supposed to get married in a few hours."
Peter sighed, rolling his eyes. "Stiles started mouthing off about something. I don't remember what, but we ended up in a brawl. Last I saw, you guys dragged him out of there."
Theo, who had a clearer memory than most, added, "After that, we decided to hit another club. I think it was one with a... unique entertainment."
The Pole Dancer: Cora Hale
They hurried to a nearby club known for its risqué performances. Sure enough, Cora Hale was there, still in her outfit from the previous night, looking mortified.
"I can't believe I did that," she muttered, shaking her head. She had taken to the stage, dancing on the pole to the delight and shock of the crowd.
"Cora, do you remember where we went after here?" Scott asked urgently.
Cora thought for a moment. "We were heading back to the hotel. Stiles was pretty out of it. Theo was talking about some rooftop party."
The Roof
Back at the hotel, they scoured the premises but found no sign of Stiles. Frustration mounted until Lydia snapped her fingers. "The roof! We always used to go up there when we were kids."
They rushed to the rooftop and found Stiles sprawled on a lounge chair, snoring peacefully, a bottle of champagne in one hand. His tuxedo jacket was draped over his head, blocking the harsh sunlight.
"Stiles, wake up!" Scott shook him gently. "You need to get ready. You're getting married in less than an hour!"
The Monkey
As they helped Stiles down from the roof, they heard an unusual sound from inside their hotel room. They pushed the door open to find a small monkey sitting on the minibar, munching on snacks and making a mess.
Lydia gasped. "Where did this come from?"
Theo, scratching his head, vaguely remembered, "I think we won it in a bet at the club. Some guy had a pet monkey, and Stiles thought it would be a good idea to win it."
Scott groaned. "Great, now we have to return it."
Chaos Ensues
Returning the monkey turned out to be far more complicated than anticipated. The monkey was not keen on being handled and fought fiercely whenever someone tried to pick it up. After several minutes of chaotic chasing around the room, they finally managed to catch it and put it in a duffel bag.
In the lobby, the monkey managed to wriggle free and caused pandemonium, knocking over flower arrangements and startling guests. They chased it through the halls, into the elevator, and across the lobby, drawing curious and amused stares from everyone they passed.
The Car Ride
Finally, they cornered the monkey and managed to get it into the car. Stiles, still groggy, held the monkey on his lap, trying to calm it. The monkey, however, had other ideas and bit his finger. Stiles yelped, and the monkey leaped to the back seat, where Liam and Lydia tried in vain to control it.
By the time they reached the address on the monkey's collar, everyone was scratched, frazzled, and even more exhausted. They handed the monkey to its relieved owner, who looked at them with a mix of confusion and amusement.
The Altar
With only minutes to spare, they rushed back to the hotel to get Stiles ready. Despite their ordeal, they managed to get him into his suit and presentable. They burst through the chapel doors just as the ceremony was about to start. Derek Hale stood at the altar, a mixture of anxiety and relief flooding his features as Stiles took his place beside him.
The ceremony proceeded without a hitch, the wild night before becoming a story to be laughed about for years to come. Stiles and Derek exchanged vows, sealing their love with a kiss, surrounded by friends who had proven their loyalty and love in the most chaotic way possible.
At the reception, Derek finally pulled Stiles aside, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Am I ever going to learn what happened last night?"
Stiles grinned, glancing over at his friends who were laughing and recounting bits of the adventure. "Let's just say it was a night to remember. And we'll tell our kids about it someday."
Derek shook his head, smiling. "As long as you're here with me now, that's all that matters."
As the music started and everyone began to dance, Stiles clinked his glass, calling for attention. "To my best friends, who turned the worst hangover into the best adventure. I love you guys."
Laughter and cheers filled the air, and as the night wore on, they celebrated not only the wedding but the unforgettable journey that brought them there.
Theo and Liam are next if you want any other ship please comment.

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