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"i can't believe this is happening."

Was what I was mumbled aloud, as I was following behind one of the backstage workers who was showing me around.

I just got drafted from NXT to come and be on Monday Night Raw!

It felt like an absolute dream.

Walking by and seeing some of the people who inspired me to be where I am now, feels so incredibly surreal.


Looking around and daydreaming might not have been the best idea...

Suddenly, I bumped into a tall figure-

"Watch where you're going!" The taller black haired girl yelled, clearly with frustration in her voice.

The collision knocks my glasses off my face, causing me not to be able to see anything.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to do that!"

I bend down to pick my glasses up, and put them back on and when I look up, I am standing face to face with Rhea Ripley.

I felt like a total ass not watching where I was going.

"Yeah, whatever." She shoves past me and continues on.

To think I thought the heel gimmick was all fake.

Time Jump

After getting familiar with how things work here, I met with Adam Pearce and Triple H about upcoming plans.

I'm going to be booked for my debut on the upcoming RAW. It will be a backstage segment with Lyra Valkyria, and then we will be out into a match the same night.

Considering me being the one who took her title back on NXT, this made the most sense.

After talking with Adam and Hunter, we all agreed, shook hands and disbanded out in the arena.

I had been there for a couple hours, talking with superstars and getting to know them all the better.

After finishing up, I set back to go back to my hotel for the night.

I flew from Orlando to Cleveland Ohio just to do this.

This is how much it means to me.

I made my way outside of the arena to my car and got in and headed back to my hotel.

Time Jump

I made it back to my hotel and parked my car, as I was walking inside, a truck pulled out in front of me and slammed on breaks!

"Hey! Fucking watch it dick head! You could've killed me!" I say, kicking the front of the truck.

the truck window rolls down.


"Oh shit. Looks like I got you back I guess." She said, with a slight laugh.

"Oh yeah, haha! You almost killed me! How fucking funny!" I yelled at her, sarcastically, kicking her truck again as I angrily stomped away from her truck and into the inside of the hotel, scaring some of the people nearby I presume...

Time Jump

I sat down for a couple of minutes trying to get my heart to settle down from whatever the fuck just happened.

I get up from the bench, grab my bags and go to walk up to the front too check in, but someone jumps in front of me.

you guessed it.


"Don't tell me you're staying here." I asked her, rolling my eyes while saying it.

"Okay. I won't." She said in the most irritating tone ever.

After she gets her key, she moves out the way and I go and get my card.

she's still standing here, leaning on the counter.

Doesn't she have somewhere-

"Ma'am, your debit card declined." The front desk worker says to me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mumble under my breath and roll my eyes again, for what seems to be the 709th time today.

I go to see if I have any cash and i remember that I forgot to grab it before I left.


"Ma'am, how are you gonna pay today?" He asks me.


"I- I'm not sure." I struggle to get it out.

and of course a coworker just had to be there at the same time.

I go to speak up again, when I'm cut off.

"She'll room with me, we're co workers, It's fine." Rhea says.


"That cool with you?" She asks me.

"Sure." Was all I could manage to get out.

the front desk worker handed me my card back and I grabbed my bags.

"Alright. Come on." She grabbed one of my bags from my hands.

I follow behind her to her room.

"You know, for someone who looks and dresses like an absolute nerd...you sure are pretty hostile." She said to me.

"Yeah? Well you almost killed me." I said to her.

she stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"Well, this is the least I could do to make up for it, right?"

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