Is that-

188 12 10

TW: Blood, PTSD, descriptions of miscarriage

this one hurts y'all I'm sorry


"Autumn, Autumn, Autumn Knight look at me," Marjorie held both her arms, slightly shaking her. "Look at me, don't look at the blood, look at me. Autumn come on,"

"Marjorie," The word came out as only a faint whisper. Her eyes were too burry to see anything in front of her, but she could feel Marjorie holding onto her arms, that was all she needed. "I'm going to faint,"

Marjorie immediately started moving Autumn towards the front sitting room, ignoring the sounds of confusion from Autumn. "It's alright, let's just get you sitting down," she quickly scanned the room for any signs of blood, but found none.

"What- "Autumn muttered as she was lowered down onto the couch behind her. "I don't- "

"I know, I know," Marjorie said, trying to get her settled, "Just breathe, please," Autumn's lips were slowly going blue, her eyes clouded and unfocused.

"I don't, I don't want this," Autumn forced out, hands searching until they found Marjorie's.

"I know you don't, I know you don't my darling," Marjorie could see the color slowly draining from Autumn's face and knew she had to do something to at least try and stop her from fainting- it couldn't be good for her.

Autumn's blinking became rapid, and she began to gently sway.

Marjorie hesitated for just a few moments before sitting down on the couch a few inches from Autumn's side. "Come on, let's lay you down,"

Autumn didn't fight as she was slowly guided so her head was laying in Marjorie's lap.

"Just breathe for me, in and out," Marjorie did her best to keep her own breaths steady, modeling it for Autumn. "I'm right here,"

The level of pure vulnerability Autumn was showing concerned Marjorie, not only because of what Autumn was going through in that moment, but the idea that she may have gone through other things, and had no one to support her, no one to hold her and tell her to breathe, no one to clean up the blood from the floor. Winter had been one of the best things- if not the very best- to happen to Autumn, but the thought that before him, Autumn was all but alone- it made Marjorie sick to her stomach.

The gentle hands scratching at her scalp were the only things keeping Autumn in the present moment, if she was slightly more aware she might notice the slight tremor in them, but she was much more focused on getting herself under control- she couldn't go on like this or she would pass out and she knew it.

She was no stranger to panic attacks, she had been having them since she was a young teenager, but they often only happened after the danger had passed, after her dad had stormed away, after the screaming had stopped, she used that fact to calm herself down. This time however, there was nothing she could try and reassure herself of, she had lost her baby, that was a fact, she didn't almost lose her baby, she didn't almost get in an accident, she had lost her baby, there was nothing she could do, that wasn't going to change.

"Come back to me Autumn, look at me," Marjorie snapped her fingers, cursing herself a little, that was not the best- or kindest- way to get someone's attention, but Autumn wasn't responding to anything else. "Look at me,"

Autumn's eye's snapped into focus, momentarily confused, locking onto Marjorie.

"Lost you for a second there," Marjorie said letting out something like a dry chuckle, her voice suddenly caught in her throat- no, this was about Autumn, she wasn't going to cry.

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