Chapter 17 ~ Costumes

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The next day you invited all your friends to come and hoped you weren't going to have to beg them to come with you two but they agreed. They explained they had all been busy whenever you asked and was letting you become friends with him without any interruptions. Harry, Ron, and Hermione respectfully declined; you knew their past with him so you didn't push it.

Draco waited by the Great Hall for everyone, you walked up to him and he smiled when he saw you and all your friends. You knew he wanted to get to know your friends and apologize to them all, especially Sam. You all walked to Hogsmeade, Sam made sure she talked to Draco on the way there.

Sam was nice and they seemed to get along, they talked about potions and bonded over their love for the subject. You wanted all your friends to get to know and like Draco but you mostly cared about Sam and him getting along.


When you got to the costume shop everyone split up. They all went to find couples costumes leaving you and Draco alone. You didn't know what or who to go as, ever since you were able to dress up for Halloween you had always planned a costume. You didn't know if you and Draco were going to do a couples costume or not, you weren't a couple but you were trying to be. You had been slowly trusting Draco more over the past few weeks, he had been a good friend and you were wanting to be in his arms again.

"Maybe we can do something together." You suggest nervously, you knew he'd want to and agree but you were finally doing something that actually scared you more than anything else; trusting and getting closer to him.

"Oh, I was joking in that note we don't have to do matching costumes or even go together if you don't want to." He replies nervously.

"No, I want to." You quickly say. "I want to go together and dress up together, if you want to." Draco smiles at you and relaxes.

"Then we need a costume."



Saturday morning you woke up early and took care of your plants before heading to breakfast in your pajamas. You had a pair of Hufflepuff themed slippers that Fang got you for your birthday after eating your other pair, he carried one of the slippers around refusing to let it go. So, you let him have it and he treated it as if it was his baby, it was really cute when you got over your annoyance.

Draco was entering the Great Hall as you walked to the doors, he didn't see you so you called to him. He peaked back around the door and smiled when he saw it was you.

"Good morning Hufflepuff." He says sweetly, you smile back and wish him good morning.

"Do you want to sit with us at the Hufflepuff table?" Draco smiles and agrees.

"Can I invite two of my friends? They're cool I promise." You were nervous about meeting his friends but agreed; a lot of friends hadn't been nice to you or any of the Hufflepuffs but you trusted Draco that they weren't going to come over and make fun of you.

He smiled then went to get his friends as you sat down and warned your friends that they were going to sit with you. Sam and Melonie were also joining you for breakfast for once and said they'd sit by his friends.

"Where's Ched?" You ask, everyone called Cedric and Cho Ched, they were always together unless they were forced apart; it made more sense to refer to them as one person.

"They're not coming to the party, Cedric's dad is throwing a Halloween party and inviting their family so they can all meet Cho so they're both there." Dillon answered, him and Cedric were best friends and always knew what the other was up to. Elenore and Cedric helped Dillon come out of his shell since first year; he was still shy and awkward but he was a bit more confident and wasn't scared to talk to people as much anymore.

Draco and his friends Blaise and Theo walked up and introduced themselves; you noticed some Hufflepuffs nearby moving away down the table or to a different table. You felt bad and were angry with your housemates, at the same time you understood they were just scared so you didn't fully blame them for moving away. Draco and his friends ignored it and sat down and talked to you and your friends.

You got some weird looks and you agree it was an odd sight; three Slytherins, one being Draco Malfoy, were sitting at the Hufflepuff table, their green stuck out like a sore thumb. This is the first time besides going to Hogsmeade with Draco that you were showing off your friendship with Draco. You were still technically friends but with how close you were both volunteering sitting next to each other it didn't look or seem like it.

"Are you excited to dress up?" Draco asks you then takes a bite of his food.

"Yes, Elenore is going to help me get ready after lunch." You were excited to dress up and go to the party tonight; you ended up not getting anything from the costume store and thought it would be fun to go as soccer players. Henry sent you one of his soccer uniforms for Draco to wear, they were both the same size so it fit perfectly when he tried it on. Olivia's friend happened to play soccer for the professional girls team and her friend signed and gifted you a soccer uniform in your size.


Draco had no idea what soccer was so you had to explain it to him on the way back from Hogsmeade the day you looked for costumes.

"You can come to one of my brother's games if you want, Dumbledore always makes sure to go."

"Dumbledore goes?" He was surprised.

"Yeah, he finds it interesting and he has a special bond with Henry. After we left our parents, Dumbledore made sure Henry could keep in touch with us and did everything to make sure we could see him as well to write to him. Henry sees Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall, all of the teachers here are like parents to him as well so they go and support him."

"Even Snape?" You couldn't help but laugh thinking how Snape does way more than just go to Henry's games.

"You definitely need to come to my birthday party next year, you'll see how much Snape does for us."


After lunch you went back to your room and got dressed in your new signed uniform with Olivia's friends name on the back. You put your hair how you would for Quidditch then Elenore came in and helped you look all dirty. She was dressed like a sexy red fox and said Dillon would be a zoo keeper, you were excited to see everyone's costumes together and were especially excited to see Draco in his.

You had told Henry in a letter that you were becoming friends with Draco and you were trying to forgive him. Henry seemed okay with it and was happy to send a uniform for Draco to borrow. You and Sam hadn't mentioned your mother yet, you agreed to see her this once then decide what you want to do. Henry as far as you knew hadn't spoken to either of your parents since he was sixteen after moving in with your grandma.

"DONE!" Elenore said proud of her work, you thanked her then walked out into the common room to meet everyone. You weren't expecting Draco to be there you assumed he'd meet you at the party but you weren't complaining. He was talking to Eliana who was dressed as Professor Sprout. Draco noticed you and stood up and looked at you up and down, you got red because he made that face when he was admiring your body.

Ched knew about the joke how they were attached at the hip so they wore a giant shirt that was half blue and half yellow and they were both in it, you all laughed as they navigated down the stairs. They were going to Cedric's house but wanted to show off their costume before they left.

Sam and Melonie dressed up as each other, Sam wore Melonie's Quidditch uniform and Melonie wore one of Sam's favorite dresses.

You all took pictures then made your way to the party, as you reached the top of the stairs of the common room you heard the music come from the Great Hall.

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