Chapter 2

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Taco pov:

I wake up, tired and drowsy. For some reason I have bandages on my arms now.

'odd' I thought.

I notice I'm in a bedroom of some sort. 'how on earth did I get here??'

I get up and walk around the room, when all of a sudden someone opens the door.


I stare at him and he stares back at me.

"Pickle?...Is it really yo-"

"Just not now, Taco."

"Why? I haven't seen you in years and I can't talk to you?!"

"I'm not in the mood to talk with a traitor"

I fall silent and shut my mouth, but I have so many questions. After everything I've done, why did he save me? Does he care now? Will he forgive me? Will he put the past behind us?

I sigh. 

Wil he actually ever forgive me?



"Can you forgive me for all I've done? I'm truly sorry-"

"No. Not today. Not tomorrow . Not ever"

I look away, heartbroken.

I hate him.

(sorry Ik it's  short I'm sorry I'm just so eepy rn)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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