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Wake up sequence completed.

Current objective
Observe the human race

Objective details
Find and Observe a member of the human race

Human found. on route to location

Stealth protocol active.

Audio transcript
Can I help you?

Yeah, you can give me your wallet and you can go peacefully

Oh my God is that a gun? Okay okay just don't hurt me

Good wait is that your phone think your slick not on my watch

Human one proceeds to attack human 2 knocking him unconscious. Human then fleas the scene and soon more humans arive to assess the situation

End transcript

Warning proximity sensor triggered organic life inbound

"What the hell are you?"
Speech Recognized generating response from gathered data

"DonT HUrT mE"

"Uh I won't hurt you I'm a pro hero and I'm going to have to ask you some questions if you wouldn't mind comeing down to the station with me"

physical contact detected generating response

"What are you doing? Woah buddy stay back HEY STO-"
Humans vital signs stable current status unconscious

Objective update
Attempt physical assimilation

Unconscious human preped for transfer
Genetic material secured

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