
22 0 0

Genetic material secured
Initiating physical assimilation protocol
Physical assimilation protocol complete
Appearance now appears to be that of an adult human male
Initiating tests with other humans attempting to walk down street undetected
Test completed. Appearance modification successful
Mission update continue learning

Attempting information gathering based on prior data best path of accomplishment is through violence attempting to locate target
Target located beginning operation

"Can you h-help me please?"

"Uh yeah how can I help you"?

Operational note subject appears to be adolescent age with tape comeing from his elbows and a outfit with a logo with a U and a A

"Here follow me my friend is bleeding out in the ally over here!"

"Alright where are they I don't see them wait what are you doing?"

"Comencing operation"

Encounter log

I start off by attempting to grab the subject by the throat. However, he moved out of the way and attempted a right hook the hit connected however my metallic exoskeleton stopped his fist right in its tracks I retaliate by sweeping his leg and stomping on his chest breaking his ribs and leaving him Incapacitated I quickly slit his throat

End encounter log

Commencing info gathering inserting tendrils into subjects brain collecting data
Information collected
Mission update Infiltrate UA high and collect information

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