Chapter 1

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As I feel the heat slowly surrounding me, a gentle breeze blowing across me as the sun peaks into my eyes. I begin to open them while lying on the cold ground. Sitting up I start feeling a rushing to my head and a sharp pain in the left side above my ear as if screws were being drilled into my head or if some jackass had hit me with a baseball bat has hard as they could. Opening my eyes at first hurts, it was also very blurry too. After several minutes of pain and blurriness, I was finally able to stand up and see what was around me. On my right side there was a old rusted chain fence with barb wire covering the top of it and to my left, a giant open yard with a warehouse and a few beaten down trucks lined up beside it. From looking at the size of the yard it looked like some sort of shipping company had worked. The yard was about 600 yards by 300 yard. As I look back at the fence, I find a large, deep, shiny, green, field of grass that stretches out for a good couple hundred yards and on the edge a lush green forest of pine and oak trees. As I begin to lose thought I notice a gravel road coming out of the forest and coming right by the yard. At this moment I knew that I could get out of here threw that road, but first I needed to find away out perhaps a gate somewhere, a gate that will get me out of here. As I start shuffling along down the fence on the mixed dirt in with gravel, I leave a trail of dust behind me forming into small red clouds, I start trying to remember how I got here but only a few blurred memory's that come up but don't seem to help at all and then I realized,
"I don't even remember my own name" I said,
with a startled shakiness in my voice. Walking down the fence some more, I start dragging my hand across feeling all the bumps, rust, metal, and holes on the fence.
My pinkie finger hits something unusual, something that feels like a small rock, I stop to look over and find a small lock on the fence.
I start noticing an outlining of a small gate, just big enough for a person to get threw. The lock was attached to a giant latch which was weird since the lock was so small.After examining the gate once more, I start tugging at the lock, from what it looked like the lock was ready to break off and the gate would open, I tugged harder and harder and it made no difference.
I tugged as hard as my floppy,weak, arms would let me,
"come off the latch,God dammit!,let me go home....where every that is,come on Stephanie,you can do better the that ",

I screamed in frustration. I drop the lock and stare blankly at nothing as I realize that I jut said my name, I begin smiling and laughing and jumping with excitement but I stop myself. I started walking down the fence.
"I'm going to get a truck".
I say to myself

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