Chapter 1: Send In Bofurin

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A broken nose wasn't going to ruin her life

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A broken nose wasn't going to ruin her life.

At least that's what Kasumi wanted to yell at the top of her lungs. The sleek leather of the principal's office chairs kept making her slide with how far she's slouched. She was left with a graze to the eyebrow while the other girl was out of school due to various injuries to her face.

The girl was ashamed as she sat listening to the man scolding her. This was her last strike and the vein that she watches pulse on the principal's forehead makes it clear that she wasn't receiving any more chances.

She contemplated why she had done what she did, drowning out the booming voice that irritated her eardrums.

Well, for starters, Chizu Sakamoto was one racist bitch. Two, she was trying to take a nap while Sakamoto attempted to cut up a foreign exchange student with a box cutter.

Kasumi was ashamed that she was stopped before she could carve something into her skin getting only a few punches into her skull.

I couldn't even go out in style dammit!

"Are you listening!!!???" The voice of the principal brought her back.

She groans loudly, fixing her sitting posture. "Just tell me I'm expelled already."

"Ms. Sone, this isn't something you can just forget. Your rush to anger is out of hand!"

Kasumi wasn't angry when it happened. That she knew for a fact. If anything, it felt robotic. Like a duty she must carry out or the balance in her mind would fall in a direction of darkness.

"Have you even checked on the girl who was being bullied?" Kasumi asked, standing to her feet.

"That's a separate issue-"

"So you haven't." She stands. "I'm done here. This place is a sorry excuse of a school anyway." Kasumi began to walk out, grabbing her leather jacket from her seat as she leaves.

The door swings shut behind her, the shouting for her to stop muffled and unheard.

"I'm finally free." She says calmly, a glimmer in her gray colored eyes.

Walking out of the middle school she had only been at for a couple of weeks was as anti-climactic as she expected. There was no one to meet her out front and no one to greet her at home.

She places her earphones over her head, music blasting until she reaches the number that had been sitting in her contacts for weeks.

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