Chapter -18

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Jhope pov

The terror I felt when Jungkook, the mafia kingpin, beat me nearly to death, along with my friend Yoongi, still lingers in my veins. But I will not lose hope. That bastard mafia boss will die by my hands. I am just waiting for the right time.

I glanced over at Yoongi, who was now sleeping. Poor guy, he still doesn't know that I am using his friendship to achieve my goals. But who cares? He wants a gift in return, so he deserves those beatings.

Yoongi had been forced into the mafia world for the sake of a mysterious gift. He was trapped in a life of violence he never wanted, and now he was helping me plot against Jungkook. Little did he know, my plans went beyond just escaping this world. I wanted vengeance, and I would use anyone to get it.

Our days were filled with meticulous planning, reaching out to others who had suffered under Jungkook's rule. We slowly built a small, determined group, each member driven by their own reasons for wanting the mafia leader gone. We needed allies and power, and we needed to exploit Jungkook's weaknesses.

We discovered that Jungkook had a prized possession, a rare artifact that symbolized his power. If we could steal it, we could destabilize his grip on the mafia. The night of the heist arrived, and we moved under the cover of darkness, our hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

As we infiltrated the warehouse, Yoongi's knowledge of the mafia's operations proved invaluable. We moved like shadows, taking down guards silently and efficiently. Finally, we reached the chamber where the artifact was kept. My breath caught in my throat as I saw the object of our mission—a beautifully crafted statue, radiating an aura of power.

The statue I am seeing is no more normal , it's's Him.

My mind went blank , I feel like someone just put me in the intensive sun light , I am feeling stroke.

"Yoongi" I wishepered enough audible for him.

He held my upper body form back side.

"Let's just stop here for today , we will continue tomorrow" Yoongi declared the other 4 people who we induced to work up against their mafia as i promised them to get them out of here safely.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

We reached our alloted room safely.
"Fucking small room , i don't even what shit I did for deserving room like this?" I questioned my fortune here sounding annoyed as fuck.

" Here, you didn't gave your freind a gift still" yoongi proudly said point his finger at himself.

I rolled my eyes feeling irritated.

Why the fuck i am feeling some kind of weakness or irrational feeling .

Cmmon i guy i must not be having mood swings.

I thought about all the possibilities about my behavioural changes lately.

"FOOD" the maid knocked the door and shouted after keeping the food at the door step and went from there.

They serves us some jelly type of rice ,or more like overcooked rice with some salt type taste and boiled eggs and veggies.

I am fed of the same  breakfast lunch dinner menu.

All three time of day is the same Food!!

That maifa is  freaking hella rich but still can't provide his worker a proper food.

"We are not worker , we are criminals in the eyes of him" yoongi reported back as if heard my thoughts.

I looked back at him surprisingly.

"Stupid cat" I murmured.

"Stupid horse" he replied back ..

WHAT THE FUCK !! Expression on my face held for a moment.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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