Chapter 2

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"What are you doing, Nova?" My mother ask me when she sees me swinging a stick upwards and downwards I sometimes rotate my body and swing the stick sideward.

"I'm practicing some sword so I can get an offensive skill." I said as I keep repeating what I'm doing, tho I only copy the style of the people I saw on movies or anime.

"I see, wait right there." My mother said as she goes inside our house, today there is no harvest and I have nothing to do. There is also an option to play with the other kids but despite my small body my mentality is of adult so I can't really bring myself to play with them so instead I will practice some swordplay to train myself.

After a few minutes my mother walk out from our house and she bring a wooden sword. "Here, practice with this so you can familiarize of what a sword is." She said and she pass the sword on me.

"Ma, why do you have a sword like thi- woah!" I tried to ask her on why she have this but when she let go of the sword I almost tumble down on the ground as it's so heavy.

"Fu... Haha." My mother laugh, I know that sometime she is messing around with me but her joke is so really lame and annoying sometimes but I'm happy that she can laugh like this.

"Ma! Come on!" I said as I lift up the sword, yup for a three years old like me it's heavy. "Anyway, Why do you have this?" I said as I tried to swing the sword sideward but the heaviness pulled me and I fall to the ground. "Ouch!"

"Uhm... I-, yes the owner of this house maybe left it here." She said as she help me to get up. "Anyway, you need to familiarize of the heaviness of the sword first the weight of this wooden sword is the same as the regular sword once you can lift it up the next thing you do is swing it down and up so you can get used to it and also to build up your muscles." She said.

I was really wandering who is my mother is... I knew her for her kindness, lame jokes and beauty, yes she is gorgeous than any other women in this village, if I compare her to my past world she is like Marilyn Monroe tho she have white hair and blue eyes, there is no man in this village who won't look at my mom when they pass and I've heard that the lord that governing this land has also tried to pursuit with my mother tho they failed, well she have a husband that I don't even know where he go. Also when we are in shower as there is no bath here, we only take some buckets and fetch some water from a well, we are always together in the shower and oh my, even tho I'm not really into girls but my moms body is so curvaceous but I can see that she have a mascular body tho it's not really that noticable specially when she have clothes and also she have some scars in her body. I tried to ask her why she have so many scars and she only told me that when she's a kid her village got attack by monsters she survive the attack and receive the scar... I take it as a reason but I wanted to know who is my mother truly is.

And so my training started at first few weeks, yes the concept of date is available here, they also have 7 days a week but it only have four months here as they base it on the appearance of the moon, January, February, March and April have 3 mooons and next four months have 2 moons and the next one have 1, and at the end of the month there is none, right now we are in the middle of 2 moons and the year is consist of 350 days which means 50 weeks. Anyway it's been a three weeks now that I started training my sword, at first I can barely lift up the sword in my waste but now with my dedication I can finally swing it from my head downward, my mother also look out for my training and give some advice tho I still haven't got the skill but I will not stop until I get what I wanted because this is a Key for me to return the favor to my mother.

As a week goes by, months and years I'm already a 7 years old kid. I finally get the skill that I wanted a sword mastery lv. 1 tho its now level three, I got it two years ago when I was four years old, by the way my birthday is the 5th of the no moon.

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