Chapter 7

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A loud bang can be heard inside the forest that vibrates towards my body.

"Dranova!" I hear Klin's worried voice then I remember, because of my big move I let myself become defenseless and the monster use that timing to bite my neck... My neck should be severed from my body but I can still feel my lower half... Which means.

I open my eyes and the monster is literally in front of me biting me but it suddenly let go of my neck and jump back then I can see blood from it's mouth then I use my free left hand to feel my neck... It doesn't have wounds or injury.

"Dranova? Are you okay?" Klin worriedly check my neck and I can see a surprise on it's eyes. "Huh? There is no scratch... What happen?"

"Not only that but I think I also made a damage on that monster." I look at the monster who also seems to don't understand what happen then a sudden thought came at me so I check my shield.

"My shield ability Diamond skin has now in cooldown for 30 minutes." I said so Klin can understand.

"So it's automatically triggers when you receive an attack?" Klin is right... I thought it's a manual trigger but its seems like I was wrong.

While we having a conversation the monster who are now bleeding a black sludge or something, it looks our way but it seems like it's angrier than before.

"Klin, for now don't use too much of your magic skill as its not having done any damage instead use it as a distraction, I will make sure that monster will not go near you." I said as I ready myself and will not make a mistake than before.

"I'm sorry for being useless." She said but she still ready her wand.

I move forward towards the monster and the monster didn't expect for me to engage as if it thought that we are still just its prey who will just run away from it, I tried to slash upward but with precision by the help of my sword mastery but I make sure that I will not use some big movement that will give the monster a way to counter attack.

The monster dodge it, while it's in the air it didn't expect that another attack will come forward, a small fist like rock is heading towards the monster face. The rock hit the monster so I move again to slash the monster and it hit the spine and it made a large wound on its black body and a black sludge gush out from it's body.

The wolf have fallen in the ground in it's writhe in a painful howl.

I didn't let this chance to recover while it's writhing on the ground, I immediately aim on it's neck but the monster anticipates it and it use its energy to move away from my sword.

The monster who see us as prey are now wary of our presence.

Another rock are heading towards the monster and it dodge but I predict what direction it will jump and I follow it with my sword and another hit but this time I only hit the front leg but the wolf sway after it landed on the ground almost falling then I remember why my sword has a significant effect on the monster, my sword had an ability of 'bane of darkness'.

"I think I know now what is bane of darkness is all about." I told Klin.

"Yeah, I can also see it." Klin replies. "Please, finish that monster."

"You didn't need to tell me." I said and rush towards the limping monster, because of the wound on it's body it's dodge is already sluggish and I can follow it's movement, I slash side ward hit it's eyes that further make it's slow to dodge.

Finally the monster are exhausted or maybe because it's black blood is already drain and it's already stops moving so I didn't waste time and slice the neck of the monster.

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