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Gabriella Munroe is a very sweet and hyper girl

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Gabriella Munroe is a very sweet and hyper girl. She may be a kook and live on Figure Eight, but she doesn't act like she does. She hangs with the pogues and basically lives on the cut.

Gabriella was currently sitting on the balcony of a house that was under construction with the other pogues. She was high and swinging her legs over the edge.

"Thats what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Pope said, looking up to John B who was ontop of the roof with a beer.

"Hm." John B hummed before licking his finger and holding it up to feel the breeze, "Should I do it?"

"Yeah, you should jump." Pope said, holding an electric screw driver and holding it up like a gun, "I'll shoot you on the way down."

"You gonna shoot me?" John B said before holding up finger guns and making 'pew' sounds at Pope. Gabriella laughed at the two boys, swinging her legs as the breeze flew through her hair.

"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." Kiara said, walking out of the house.

"Of course they are. Why wouldn't they?" Pope asked.

"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kiara said flatly.

"I can't have cold towels." John B joked, making Kie look up to him.

"Can you please not kill yourself?" Kie asked, looking up at the dirty blonde.

"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." JJ warned John B. JJ was sat next to Gabriella who had now laid back, legs still hanging.

John B was trying to balance and accidentally lost his beer can, "Whoa! Oh, shit."

"Ha ha." Gabriella pointed to the boy on the roof while JJ was complaining.

"Shut up, Gabriella." John B said, staring at the high girl who'd just put out her cigarette.

"Hey, uh, security's here." Pope said, patting his hand on a wooden railing, "Let's wrap it up."

"Boys are early today." John B said, looking to the direction that the security guards yells were coming from.

"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll. Come on, Princess." JJ said, turning to Gabriella. Gabriella smirked as JJ pulled her up to her feet.

"Let's go boys!" Gabriella shouted excitedly.

"Gary is that you?" JJ shouted to the security guard.

"JJ! Come on!" Gabriella groaned, pulling the blonde by one of the belt loops on his shorts. The five pogues ran through the house, laughing and cheering.

Pope, JJ and Gabriella got separated from the others so they went out the back and jumped over the fence. When Gabriella got over, she saw JJ pulling Pope off the ground.

The three ran towards the Twinkie before jumping in as Kie cheered for them. JJ lean to out the door and teased the security guard that was running after them before throwing a beer can at him.

After Kie told him to stop, he pulled the door shut and sat down, Gabriella sitting against the side at his feet as she laughed her head off.

"Oh, look. It's my house." Gabriella laughed, pointing out of the window towards a large mansion.

"I will never get used to seeing that house. Never." JJ said in awe. Gabriella groaned, her head falling to JJ's knee.

"Want me to drop you off?" John B joked, laughing at the brunette. She picked up an empty beer can and threw it at him, it hit him off the back of his head, "No? Oh, okay."

John B drove through Outer Banks and to his house before they all got onto the boat and sailed out to the middle of the river-ish thing to hang out. While they were all chilling and John B was lying in his back, JJ jumped on his stomach lying on him, Pope followed, lying on JJ's back, then Kie, then Gabriella on top.

A little while later, JJ had taken his shirt off and was sitting on the side of the boat, smoking a joint. Gabriella was lying on her back on the front of the boat, staring up into the sky. Pope was reading a book. Kie was in her phone with her headphones in and John B was fishing, he lifted the catch up and dropped it by Gabriella's hair.

"John B!" Gabriella screamed, sitting up and moving next to Kie who was also pulling away from the fish in disgust while the two boys congratulated him.

"What?" John B shrugged as if he didn't just dump fish onto the girl hair.

"What?" John B shrugged as if he didn't just dump fish onto the girl hair

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