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Author pov

Two women and one man are tied up in a chair with a blind fold on their faces the room is dark and only one bulb is hanging which is flickering

Soon there is a sound of boots echoing in the room

A woman in black walked inside the room  she pulled the chair and sat in front of them

She removed the blindfolds from their faces

Hae - hiiii wake you slept a lot

Mrs Jeon - you bitch how dare you

Sarah - you fucking bitch just leave us

Junhu - leave us otherwise you will regret

Hae - I only regret one thing in my life other than that I don't have any regrets

And why the way just confess your sins and I will give you a  simple death

Mrs Jeon - are you fucking crazy

Hae - no I'm not

And if you don't remember then let me tell your sins to you

Mrs Jeon no Miss kim

Your surname was kim before you marry mr Jeon you didn't like Mrs Jeon that's why you killed her and married Mr Jeon so that you can get the luxurious money house etc etc 

And when Mr Jeon got to know about this you also killed him with your lover Mr Lee who is Mr Jeon secretary you both planned this together

And sarah Mr Jeon was not your real father your real father was Mr Lee she was cheating on Mr Jeon with mr Lee even when she was married to Mr Jeon and she got pregnant with you with mr Lee  and told Mr Jeon that your are his child and when ask how she told him that one night he came drunk they both had sex and now she pregnant

And she also killed Mr Lee when he tried to stop her

And junhu your father is also Mr Lee

Mrs Jeon - it's not true I didn't do this

Hae - yes do did

Mrs Jeon - no

Hae - Yes

Mrs Jeon - No

Hae - Yes

Mrs Jeon - No

Hae - No

Mrs jeon - yes

Hae - bingo see you yourself confess that you did this

And now it's time for our special guest
A big round of applause

She started clapping while Jungkook entered inside the room

Jk - stop it kukku

Hae - I'm just welcoming you

Let's leave it

Mrs Jeon - I'm your mother right save me from this bitch she has gone mad please save us

Jk - step mother and now I didn't consider you just tell me why you did this to me to my family

You know what just die

Sarah - where is my dad

Hae - Mr Lee is dead and your lovely mother killed him

With that he held the gun and pointed it towards them but his hands shivered and he left the gun

The gun fell on the ground with loud thud

Jk - can you please do this for me kukku

Hae walk towards him and picked up the gun she turned Jungkook,  his back facing them and hugged him he hugged her too

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