hangout with pangi

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~pangi pov~

I was sitting by the river waiting for zam. I didn't know what he wanted from me, but I assume from his cheery tone of voice it was good.

~flash back~

I was making breakfast when my communicator started ringing. I picked it up and saw a call from zam, I answered. "Hey pangi?" He asked, all cheery and happy. "What do you want zam" I asked, still not happy with him. "Ok first off, calm down, I know you're still not happy with me. Second off, if I asked you to meet me by the river by your base, would you?" He asked.

This confused me, why would he want me to meet him by the river? "Uh sure I guess" I said. "Great! See ya there in like 30 minutes!" He said and hung up.

~end of flashback~

I was still confused on why he asked me to meet him here. I honestly didn't even care about y/n and zam being together anymore, I could care less. I was mad at him about him saying we're not friends anymore. I was left at a loss, I didn't know what to do. There was nothing for me to do. Other than fighting mapicc and ro I guess.

I was jolted outta my thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around me. I turned around in the person's grasp and saw it was zam. I sighed. "finally, what took you so long" I said sarcastically. "Oh y'know, had to do some explaining to y/n on where I was going. I said I was going to spawn to meet with red...." He said sheepishly. I shook my head, "wow zam, lying to your soon to be wife huh? Not the greatest move" I said rolling my eyes.

"I mean I could call her and tell her I'm with you..." He said, looking off into the distance. "Ok so why'd you want to meet me here" I said, getting straight to the point. "oh well, I wanted to apologize for what I said" zam said, averting his gaze elsewhere. "Oh in that case....." I trailed off. "What?" Zam asked. Once he saw the look on my face, he got nervous.

I pounced on zam and started tickling him. "P-pangi stop!!" He cried. "I don't think so, not after what you did" I said grinning. He kept laughing while trying to pry me off him, he wasn't making much progress.

After a few minutes of tickling the living daylights outta zam, I stopped and let him breathe. "God, why did you have to do that" that he whined. "Cuz it's funny and you deserve it" I said plainly. "Oh you suck" he said sitting down next to me. "Do I need to start again?" I asked holding my hands out and inching towards him, he backed away. "No!" He yelled. "Ok then" I said laughing. I pulled my hands back.

"Zam, I have a question" I said looking over at zam. "Hm?" He hummed. "Why'd you choose to meet me here? You could've chosen anywhere else. So why here?" I questioned. "Well, this is where we first met. Remember, I was walking along the river, looking for supplies. You spotted me and came up to me. You threatened me if I remember correctly" he said.

"Oh yeah ...."I said sheepishly. "I think I said something along the lines of 'this is my land, get off it'". "Yeah I think I said 'you can't claim land when there's no base there'" zam said laughing. I remember that day. "God that was fun" I said. "Yeah, it really was. Now look at us. You have a full fledged base, I'ma get married soon. God I miss the old days" zam said, he had a sad look on his face.

"Oh come on, who said we couldn't do what we did back now?" I questioned. After I didn't get a reply from zam, I looked over at him. He had his head on my shoulder and he was pasted out. 'oh good lord, I might as well take him back to y/n' I thought as I carefully picked zam up. I started heading back to the  eclipse federation base.

When I got there, I walked in and saw y/n and Vitalasy in the kitchen. I snuck past them and to zam's room. I set him down on his bed and walked back into the kitchen. "Hey y/n" I said nervously. I didn't know weather y/n hates me or not. She spun around instantly, "pangi!!" She said. She ran over and hugged me. I was surprised by her reaction.

"What made you pop up here" she said as she moved back to helping Vitalasy. "Oh uh I was hanging out with zam and he kinda fell asleep so I brought him back here" I explained. "Oh, he said he was meeting up with red at spawn.." she said "oh he did, he just came over to my base afterwards" I came up with an excuse for zam being with me. "Oh.. why?" She questioned as she got something outta the cabinet for Vitalasy.

"Oh um he wanted to apologize for what he said the other day" I said looking at the ground. "Oh well I'm glad he did. Did you put him in his room?" She questioned, looking at me. "Yeah, he's in his room" I said. "Ah thanks for your help y/n" Vitalasy said. "Your welcome Vitalasy, and thanks pangi, for y'know, bring zam back" she said, a little sheepishly. "Nah it's fine" I said laughing a little. "Well, the least I can do is give you some lunch" she said, making a plate of the food she and Vitalasy just finished making. " Oh uh you don't have too!" I yelped as she shoved the plate of food into my hands.

"Oh yes I do" she said sternly. I sighed. "fine" I said while sitting down.

Little bit of a longer chapter.... But hey a chapter nonetheless. I'ma go now. I love you all!!!
Bye my little dragonets!!!
Word count:1027

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