the beginning of planning

69 4 14

Here we go again.....

~y/n pov~

As I walked through the halls of our base, I went to zam's room. I knocked quietly and heard him say "come in". I open the door. "Hey zam, I came to say breakfasts done" I whispered. I looked at zam and it was obvious that he had just woken up. His hair was all over the place, and he hadn't gotten dressed yet.

I laughed quitely as I walked over to zam and ruffled his hair. He swats my hand away, "you know I don't like people touching my hair y/n" he grumbles sleepily. "I know zam, but I should be able to touch your hair since I'm gonna marry you soon" I said as I sit next to zam on his bed. "Fineeee I guess you cannnn" he says and lays back down.

I lay next to him and start playing with his hair. Even though he just woke up, his hair is still really soft. Zam nuzzles into my touch and tries to go back to sleep. That is until...."Zam cmon, Vitalasys gonna scream at us if we don't get over there!" I say and drag zam outta bed. He pouts, "I'm tired y/n pleaseeee" he begs. "No, get dressed zam" I said and walk out.

I hear zam gumble in his room as he finds clothes to wear. After a few minutes, his door swings open and I look at him. I try to stifle a laugh. "What's so funny y/n?" He questions. I point to his hair and bust out laughing. "Oh shit" I hear him mumble and he walks back in his room.

He comes back out and his hair is brushed. "Ok now we're ready to go" I giggle. Zam sighs as I drag him down the hallway. "We got a lot to do today zam, so be prepared!" I say excitingly. "Oh god, when you say that it's never good" he replies. "Oh please, your gonna love what we're doing today!" I said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Oh good, there you two are. I thought I was gonna have to send subz to hunt y'all down" Vitalasy says making omelettes. I let go of zam and walk over to Vitalasy. I inhale the scent of fresh omelettes. "Oh wow Vitalasy, those look and smell amazing!" I said looking at Vitalasy. "Well, your eyes are shining more then usually" subz adds from the doorway. I turn to him. "What?" I ask.

"You see, everyday, you come out here with a little sparkle in your eyes. And today it seems more noticeable then yesterday" subz explained. "Oh" was all I could say. I look at zam and it looks like he's about ready to kill subz. "Well subz, I think you've made someone mad"I say still at zam. Subz chuckles, "oh I know, that's why I said it, but it is true. Are you excited or something?" He questions looking at zam.

"Yep! Me and zam just need to eat first then we can go do what I wanna do today!" I say looking over Vitalasys shoulder, well, more like moving his arm outta way so I can see how breakfast is coming along. He pushes me away before I can see how many are done. I walk to the other side of him and see three omelettes are done.

I grab I plate and swipe two before Vitalasy notices me. When he does, he sighs and I giggle. "Wow, you can't wait till the others are done?" He says turning to me. I giggle and he takes the plate outta my hand. "Hey! Me and zam have a long day ahead and we need to get started as soon as possible!" I say as I try to grab the plate outta Vitalasys hands. He just lifts the plate above his head so I can't reach it.

Vitalasy is at least five inches taller then me so there's no way in hell I'm getting that plate back be myself so I look over at zam. He seems to get the hint and takes the plate from Vitalasy. "Your lucky your fiance is tall" Vitalasy gumbles as he goes back to making breakfast. Me, zam and subz laugh at how childish Vitalasy is being.

After me and zam eat, we go back to his room. "So what are we doing today?" Zam asks. "Well, it's about time we start planning our wedding zam. It's been long enough" I say as I pull out a notebook and pen from my bag. Zam looks at me and says "why cant we have Vitalasy and subz plan it?". I sigh and say "you know how that's gonna work out. They'll .make a mess of the damn thing cuz they think it'll be funny".

Zam gets this look that says 'your probably right, let's not let them do that....'. "ok so, first things first, priest?" I say. "Branzy" zam says. "Yeah kinda what I figured" I say as I write down branzys name on the sheet of paper.

"Maid of honor?". "You said that's gonna be mid". "Ring bearer?". "Hmmmmmm parrot". "Best man?". "Pangi". "Bridesmaid?". "That's up to you". "Ok then, Vitalasy. And finally groomsmen?". "Hmmm since you chose Vitalasy, I'll choose subz" zam says as I finish the list of roles and who's doing those roles. "Ok now where do it want it to be held? I was thinking spawn?" I said. "Yeah spawn" zam agreed. "Ok who do we want there? I figured if we're doing it at spawn why not everyone?" I said as I wrote down all the information we would need. "Yeah why not. Everyone" zam says as I write that down.

"Ok when?" I asked. "a week from now" zam says boredly. "Bruh, but ok if you want" I say as I writs it down. I get up and walk to zam who is facing away from me. "Yknow it's kinda rude to not look at your soon to be wife when planning your own wedding" I say as I wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles. "I know, I just wanted to see what you'd do" he says as he turns around and hugs me back.

"We should call pangi and mid and tell them about our wedding and start getting prepared. And also send out a message that the wedding is being held at spawn so it better look nice" I laughed. "Yeah yeah yeah I'll get pangi and send out the message" he said and went to call pangi. "Tell him to meet you by the river" I called as I walked out

I walked outta zam's room and walked I to mine. I started searching for my sword and called mid. "Hey y/n! Whatcha need?" She questioned. "I need you to meet me at the river by pangis base" I say. "Wait why?" She asked confused. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out" I say as I hang up.

Zam knocks on my door and I open it. "you ready to go?" He asks as I strap my sword to my waist. "Yup, let's go" I say as we walk to the front entrance. "Bye Vitalasy bye subz we'll be back soon!" I called as we leave. And with that, we start running towards the river.

Holy I'm back!!! Sorry I didn't upload for a couple of days. I just have bursts of motivation to write then I just don't wanna write at all. Like for some reason in that stage I wanna do anything but write. Anyways, I love you guys!!
Bye my little dragonets!!!
Word count:1287

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