where tf is latvia (bd present for iv :3)

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I snuck out of my house at 4:00 AM since it would be a long walk to get through borders. I knocked on the Russian Place For My Definitely Friends Who Love Me So Much Like Best Friends!

I stood there for 7 minutes until Russia opened the door. I tried not to shit my pants he was a bit kowai 3:

"Priviet  uh who are you..? "

"I'm sealand!"

"Da! You're Latvia's midget friend. Did you change your hat?"

"Uhm yeah! I got this hat from my b- friend. And I might be a bit of a midget since two 11 year olds are 6 feet taller than me, but I am strong!"

(Russia had to fucking lean to talk to sealand)

Me and Russia talked for a while! Until I remembered what I came here for. I didn't see latvia anywhere. So i screamed to russia.


"what. Ra- ra- RATOBIAAAA" estonia screamed.


We all searched for latvia but couldn't find him :( so we looked outside the Russian Place For My Definitely Friends Who Love Me So Much Like Best Friends! And couldn't find him. We look all over Moscow and couldn't find him :( we searched all the way through Russia and couldn't find him.

Then I ran to the UK so I could get Oliver to help and maybe he could get some of his friends to help :D but he only wanted to help. Then we looked through latvia and couldn't find him:(

We both knew latvia was lost forever. Oliver then spoke about his theory

"Maybe he was fully taken away and he's now in Katrina Sunday's universe"


"You wouldn't understand.." Oliver said patting my ottoman hat.

"I know latvia would want me to take at least half of the good stuff in his room." So me and Oliver opened Latvia's door and we saw latvia sleeping with some weird person with brown hair and cat ear thingies.

"LATVIA" I ran to hug him. "Who's that "

"Uhm my partner we're getting married soon..."

I can't believe we didn't look in his room.

Happy birthday my ivy wivy pookie bear senpai this chapter is for you <3 and ur sleeping with latvia I'll write a special chapter later

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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