welcome to my journal!!! :>

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HII My name is Peter Kirkland! I'm 12 years old and still begging the U.N to become a country!

Today is the best day of my life! Me and Oliver are in a relationship! :3

Me and Oliver first met when we were at the park. His friends accidentally left him and went to taco bell. I came over to and asked him to play, we played until his friends came back! After that we exchanged our roblox accounts and after that I had a teency weencie crush on him.

Then today he gave me a gift! It was a hat that looked like his friend's hat, Otomachi Una's. I've always wanted a hat like that! When he gave it to me I was sooo happy I told him I loved him! He said he loved me too! So we made it official ○w○!

I don't want my parents knowing about this. They said no dating until I'm 16, but my brother Arvid has a secret boyfriend but I won't tell.

And I wanted to use this journal I found to write about my everyday life now! C:

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