Chapter 0 - Prologue

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Self-preservation was one of many infamous traits reserved for Slytherins.

It was a trait that had narrowly saved my life on multiple occasions. However, I knew that my sense of self-preservation was not useful in times like these. The rapid pace of my beating heart, the sheer amount of sweat forming on my forehead, and the rising bile in my throat did not matter. All it would do was make me more afraid of the murderer standing in front of me. I was sure I wasn't going to survive this encounter. I didn't need my sense of self-preservation to tell me that. Not when his every word sent chills down my spine. Not when his killing intent was practically written all over his face.

But, I could try. I could try to survive. I could continue to feed the creature in front of me lies and false promises of bringing back Harry. If I beg for my life, I might have a small chance of surviving.

That was wishful thinking.

Of all people, I should have been able to predict his actions. I should have known he had no mercy to spare, and no compassion to give. I should have known he would have commanded Nagini to murder me.

How long has it been? An hour... two hours... half an hour? I still remember the paralyzing fear that gripped my chest like a hand made of ice.

Was this how Lily felt when she selflessly sacrificed herself for Harry?


A sudden sound interrupted me from my thoughts. I wanted to call out, and demand which imbecile had been watching from the shadows. But, I had no strength left in my body. I could feel my body giving out, barely managing to hold on. I opened my mouth, but no sounds would come out.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A small face was revealed from the shadows. Messy, black hair and glasses - it was Potter.

No, it was Lily's son, Harry.

A glimmer of light reflected Harry's glasses.

His eyes...

They resembled Lily's green, lovely eyes.

I impulsively seized his robes.

"Look..., " I faintly whispered.

I stared into his eyes - they looked exactly like Lily's.

I faintly smiled. Lily may not have been alive, but at least her son still survived.

I closed my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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