Father/son bond

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Dark cacao rested on his bed as he stared at the ceiling. It had only been two days since his son and him got in an argument resulting in a stab wound to his chest. The guilt for giving him that wretched sword weighed heavily upon him. It would be about 2 weeks till he could stand and he had nobody else to blame. Tiny little tears welled up in his eyes and that was something he barely did. The last time he cried was when dark choco was born, that was 20 years ago. He tried to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming. His door opened suddenly and he looked up to his son opening it up ever so slightly. After seeing his father's tears he opened it instantly and hugged him as tight as he could. "Father...I'm sorry..I didn't mean to" he mumbled quietly. "No,no son. It's not you, I just wish I never gave you that sword in the first place. If only I had known..." he paused for a bit before crying in his son's shoulder. "Oh father, I'm sorry too. But it's gonna be okay right? You'll be healed soon and we can throw that sword away!" He said with a hint of happiness which earned a chuckle from his father whose tears had stopped a few seconds ago. "T-thank you my son, I did not mean to trouble you with my emotions...I just got carried away" "it's the meds father, I guess your emotions just came out as a side effect?" He looked at the the bottle in curiosity before nodding slightly "my prediction was correct. It's a side effect, should wear off soon right?" Dark cacao nodded before resting back on the bed and falling asleep after a few seconds. Dark choco sighed softly before wrapping his dad in a blanket and shutting the door softly with a smile. "I love you, father"

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