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Akemi would consider herself someone who takes all of her boiling emotions and forcefully stuffs them back in her chest where they will lie forever, unseen by those around her, but now she can't help but seethe as she glares at Gojō, feeling the ache in her bones from defending herself against a Special Grade Curse. She's in the midst of cursing a mental storm at him, about to make them verbal when the blasted teacher grins at their bruised and battered figures, relishing in his First Years looking all beaten up. Sadist asshole.

"As you can see, this boy was cursed by his best friend Rika who is still madly in love with him. Be nice to him, or else-" he gestures to Yūta, wiggling his fingers in a manner that's supposed to be creepy. "Rika will get you!" Akemi clenches and unclenches her fists and wonders if she can punch Gojō and get away with it when Gojō starts making their introductions.

"And this is Fukuzawa Akemi, Goddess of love herself!" the tacky introduction makes her throw all semblance of patience away as her scowl darkens. She sighs, trying to muster a smile towards Yūta. The boy is pale, looking at them and their bruises like a kicked puppy. It's an innocent expression. Everything about him seems innocent, from the bruises under his dark eyes to the way he hunches over to make himself smaller. It makes Akemi even more curious. How did a boy like him end up being Cursed? Appearances may be deceiving, but all elements point to Yūta appearing more like someone who will have his wallet snatched in a matter of seconds rather than being a boy so Cursed that the Curse in question desires to possess all of him.

"Nice to meet you," he mumbles, voice quiet and so wholly pathetic that it makes Inumaki and Panda seem to soften already. Maki remains as hard as a rock, eyebrows knitted together as she surveys Yūta through the round lenses of her circular frames, arms crossed over her chest.

"For your afternoon Jujutsu practice, you'll be in pairs of two on three. Panda and Toge, Yūta, Maki and Akemi," the Zen'in girl clicks her tongue in disgust, making Yūta wallow further. Gojō dismisses them, and they make their way out of the classroom, walking through the halls. Yūta lags behind them, unsure in his every movement. Feeling pity for him, Akemi slows down to match his pace, smiling comfortingly at him. Chiyo once said it was the most pathetic creatures that brought out Akemi's kindness. Of course, she said this in regards to a cat that Akemi rescued from drowning, but the same applies to Yūta. He looks grateful for the inclusion, smiling weakly.

"Um, I really hope we can work together," he says timidly, braving the silence. Maki continues to stare forward.

"You were bullied, I can totally tell," Yūta looks stricken at the statement, confirming the girl's words. "I take it from that lame reaction I'm right. I totally get it. I'd bully you too,"

"Maki," Akemi says sharply, not liking where this is going, but the girl sneers and continues.

"Maybe it's because you're Cursed. It's written all over your face that you're trying to come off as a goody two shoes. It's sickening," every word that comes out of her seems to strike Yūta physically, the boy flinching at the ferocity in her voice. "Why are you acting as the victim when you're the one being protected? I bet you've been passive your whole life. Believe me, Jujutsu High isn't going to be that easy. You're going to have to step up to make it,"

"Maki," Akemi's voice is practically ice, seeing how Yūta has gone grey. "Enough," the tall girl glances back at her friend, seeing the disapproving expression on her face and wilts slightly before scoffing.

"Okay, fine. Get off my case," she grumbles, turning back around, and walking ahead of them. Panda places a reassuring hand on Yūta's shoulder.

"Sorry about her. She has a bad habit of thinking that she's a genius on mind reading,"

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