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However, their path was not without obstacles. Word of their relationship eventually reached the ears of those who disapproved of such unions. Duryodhana, Karna’s closest friend and ally, was one of the first to confront him.

“Karna, you are a prince among warriors. How can you lower yourself by consorting with a woman of a lower caste?” Duryodhana’s voice was filled with indignation.

Karna’s response was firm. “Duryodhana, Vallabhi is my equal in every way that matters. Her caste does not diminish her worth. My love for her is unwavering.”

Despite his friend’s disapproval, Karna stood by his love, determined to protect their bond. Vallabhi, too, faced ostracism from her community, but she bore it with grace, fortified by Karna’s love.

Determined to be together, Karna and Vallabhi decided to marry in secret. Under the same banyan tree that had witnessed their shared moments, they exchanged vows of eternal love and loyalty. The ceremony was simple, witnessed only by the stars and the river that flowed silently beside them.

As they stood hand in hand, Vallabhi whispered, “No matter what the world says, in my heart, you are my husband, my love, my life.”

Karna kissed her forehead gently. “And you, Vallabhi, are my strength, my peace, my everything.”

Their secret marriage brought them both immense joy and a sense of completeness. Despite the ongoing battles and the turbulent political landscape of Hastinapura, they found solace in each other’s arms.

One day, as the sun set over the battlefield where Karna had just won another grueling fight, he found Vallabhi waiting for him in their secret haven. Her presence was a balm to his weary soul.

“Karna, I made something for you,” she said, presenting him with a beautiful pottery piece. It was a vase adorned with intricate carvings of their shared moments.

Karna’s eyes filled with tears as he took the vase. “You always know how to lift my spirits, Vallabhi.”

She smiled, wiping his tears. “And you always come back to me, victorious and strong.”

Their love gave Karna the strength to face the many challenges that lay ahead. He fought bravely in the great war, his heart anchored by Vallabhi’s unwavering love.

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