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Years passed since Karna's sacrifice in the Kurukshetra war. Vallabhi, now an elderly woman, continued to live by the riverbank where their love had bloomed. Each day, she would sit beneath the banyan tree, surrounded by her pottery creations, each telling a story of love, resilience, and devotion.

One evening, as the sun dipped low over the horizon, Vallabhi felt a familiar presence beside her. She looked up, her heart skipping a beat. Standing before her was a radiant figure, Karna, his form bathed in a celestial glow.

"Vallabhi," Karna's voice was soft yet filled with the same warmth she remembered from their days together. "I have watched over you all these years. Our love transcends time and space."

Vallabhi's eyes filled with tears of joy and longing. "Karna, my love, is it really you?"

Karna smiled, his hand reaching out to gently caress her cheek. "Yes, Vallabhi. Our love has brought me here, to be with you once more."

They embraced, the years melting away as they held each other close. In that timeless moment, beneath the banyan tree where their journey had begun, Karna and Vallabhi found peace. Their souls reunited, their love eternal.

As the stars twinkled overhead and the river whispered its secrets, Karna and Vallabhi walked hand in hand into the realm of eternity, their love story now a legend whispered among the celestial beings and cherished by all who believe in the power of love.

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This story ends here hope you love this story

This was a very short story but will write a long story soon

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