First year

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Adam walked through the house,knowing he's gonna be late.

"Mom,where are my keys?!"

He yells as he searches under the pillows of the couch for his car keys:He needed to get to school.It was his first school day in an extremely new town and he wanted to make a good first impression.

"Yes,i put them in the drawer under the kitchen sink!"

His mom yells back.Such a weird place to hide keys,Adam thought to himself,but he ignored it and opened the drawer.

Surely,he pulled out his keys.His skateboard keychain clinging to them.

"Thanks mom,i gotta go,love you!"

He yells as he runs to the front door of his house.

"Okay sweetie,Love you too!See you after school!"

She yells back.

He quickly enters his car.He starts driving to school, "So High School" by Taylor Swift playing on the radio.

Adam hated school but wanted a good future so he didn't party or anything.He didn't know what to expect except that there would be lots of people and there would also be lots of couples making out.

It was far worse than that.

As he walks through the disgusting school hall,he already sees couples making out,leaning against lockers.He couldn't breathe with all the students here and it panicked him.He clung to the book "The Hunger Games" he was holding in his hand and kept walking.

He reached his new locker.He received an E-mail last week with all the information.The students already know him and his name because they also got an E-mail,his E-mail said.

He put "The Hunger Games" into the locker,gripping the key he got with his new uniform last week too.

He looked at his timetable and saw that Maths was first.Adam hates maths because it just sucks and its annoying but he wants a good future,right?

He felt people's eyes on him as he walked through the hall with his maths book in his hand.Adam has very extreme Anxiety so looking at them staring at him made him feel anxious.

He was sweating all of a sudden,his dark black hair flashing in his dark hair.His pale skin becoming even more pale.

He suddenly bumped into someone.

He fell on the ground.The person was much bigger than him.Or he was just more prepared.

Adam's book fell with him on the ground.


A soft voice said.Adam was sweating and very close to a anxiety attack as Thygo looked at him.

He looked at Adam's shaking form and he could tell that he wasn't doing well.

Thygo knelt down and shook his shoulder.Adam returned to him.

"Hey,dude,you okay?You don't know me but i accidentally bumped into you.You look very anxious..First day here?"

Thygo's words were slow and Adam felt comforted by them.

Thygo was popular.It was clear at the way he looked and his smirk and his posture.He was very small but he has that popular boy face.

"Yeah..I just moved here."

Adam said,calming down.Thygo looked at him with a sympathetic look.

"Oh,sorry dude.Hey let me get you to your class.Whats your first class on your timetable?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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