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Before starting, english is not my first langage so sorry if there are mistakes, don't be affraid to correct me ! 


I was sitting on a chair in Kenma's room. The latter was laying on his bed, console between his hands and headphones stick on his ears. 
I was thinking about something. Or... Someone... 
It's been a while now that I see my friend, best friend more than that. I prepared myself all the night to confess today. 
After a last thought, I started to speak. 

"Kenma, hm... I wanted to t-...." 

"NOO, I'VE LOST AGAIN ! THAT GAME IS SHIT !" He shouted and in the same time, interrupted me.

He finally took off his headgear and turned toward me, blushing slightly.

"Sorry if I yelled but... I can't defeat this boss..." He excused. 

"Don't mind about it" I responded. "But... I wanted to...." As I spoke, the sentence became less and less audible.

"What ?"

"I love you." I managed to say.

The younger teen stared at me to then avoid eye contact.

"Can you repeat that...?" He almost whispered.

"Kenma, I love you. It's been some months or... some years and I cannot hide it anymore" 

His face turned bright red. He was blushing so much that I could see vapor floating around him.

"Y-y-you.... You're not joking, right !?" My friend stuttered.

"Do I look like I am ? I'm really serious"

He dodged my sight once again before articulating.

"I think... I kinda like you too..." Kenma's cheeks bacame even more red, as it was possible.

I was honestly losing hope when the decolour haired boy was avoiding my look. But it was actually reciproc.

"Really !?" I exclaimed, full of joy.

Months later, on November, I turned to eighteen years old and was now an adult.

"Happy birthday, Kuroo !" Cheered my boyfriend, trying to hide something behind is back.

"Aww, thanks Kitten..."

He smiled and I skipped a beat, almost having an heart attack.
He looked at the ground and his cheeks started to turn pink.

"I've bought that... For you..." He handed me the little paper bag.

I opened it, paying attention to not destroy it by mistake.
I took the tiny box who where in and discovered a necklace.
There were stars all over the chain and the biggest planet of the solar system, Jupiter, who was my favourite.

"Do you like it ?" Asked the younger.

"If I like it ? Kenma, I love it ! 
 I think is the most beautiful present I've ever got ! !" My voice cracked a bit.

But it was not really the necklace's fault, it was mostly because of the wonderful person who gave me it. I love him so much and I'm pretty sure that he feels the same.
I embraced him and let a kiss on his forhead.

"Isn't today the day you'll receive your mark ?" Questionned my beloved.

"Yeah, but I heard it appears at the hour of birth too." I responded. 

Minutes later, my left eye hurt during less than one second. Before I could wondered about what had just happened, Kenma spoke.

"Kuroo, your eye !"

I went to the bathroom and look myself in the mirror.
My left iris had become a little lighter than before.
I call my boyfriend to join me. 

"Kenma... We are soulmates !!!" I said, incredibly happy about the situation.

"We can't be sure since I haven't my mark yet." He said with a sad tone. "Didn't the colour come back to normal when you see your soulmate ?"

"Nah, the two people need to get their marks. We'll see next year !"  

Eleven months passed and today was Kenma's birthday !! Alas, I couldn't be with him this day due to the work, but a notification distracted me from what I was doing.

"Sorry if I disturb you because I know you're working but... I think we're not soulmates...." I read at loud.  

Soulmates ?  ♡ Kuroken ♡Where stories live. Discover now