"Sorry if I disturb you because I know you're working but... I think we're not soulmates...." I read at loud.

I tried to act as normal but I couldn't stop overthinking.
What would that mean ? It can't be true !
After thinking during minutes, I reached to the conclusion that he was just mad at me for not being with him and he lied to punish me. Kenma had already done something like this in the past so... It must be that.
I didn't wonder more about this message and continued my job.

Hours later, my work was finally finished !
I headed to my boyfriend's house and entered without ringing, even if his family was here.

"I am here, babe ! Happy birthday !!" I cheerfully said.

"Hi..." He salutated with a monotone voice, without finding my gaze.

"Oh... What's happening, Kitten?"

"I just feel a little dreary, because we surely are not soulmates..."

"Show me your eye" I demanded and he executed.

"See ? It's too dark to be yours !" He exclaimed in a depressed manner.

"But it stills brown" I replied. "Maybe it's the sunlight..."

Kitten giggled a little before being on the edge to cry.

"Hey... Don't be sad about it. There is a chance we are not soulmates, so what ? We can stay together, even with these stupid marks !" I tried to reassure him.

"Yeah... You're right... We'll stay a couple ! And we don't care about that dumb left eye !"

"Good to hear !"

A silent took place, but an idea went through my mind, made me broke the blank.

"You know what ? We should search our real soulmates. Because we just have to see them to make this colour disappeared. And after that, we won't see anymore the eye of a random person when we look at each other."

"Sounds great." He added. "But I don't think it will be so easy..."

As the days and months changed, none of the two of us found his soulmate.

"Yaku... Have you seen somebody with this eye colour ?" I asked to my friend.

"Sorry to tell you that, but we barely can spot the difference between your two eyes.... Plus, so many people have brown eyes ! I really can't help you, sorry." He answered.

"You're right..."

"And you, have you seen someone with green eyes like this ?"

I immediately turned to Lev direction.

"Yaku-san ! Maybe I'm your soulmate..." The russian boy declared.

"HOW CAN WE BE SOULMATES !? YOU STILL CAN'T RECEIVE PROPERLY !" The shorter one angrily responded.

I can't help but laugh hard.

When I asked at the rest of my friends, they answered something alike as Yaku.
Kenma didn't get more results than me because a majority of his friends were mine too and the others tell him again as Yaku that everybody had brown eyes.

"So ? Soulmate ?"


"Maybe it's because we are really meant to be together and there is just a... glitch ?" I made as a theory.

"Good thinking... But I'm not convinced. Maybe our soulmates just live far away."

"It's been seven months now and I don't think it helps us just to search ONE person in literally 8 billions humans on the Earth"

"So... Should we give up ?" He demanded.

"Yeah, we can just live a joyful and normal life together as if soulmates and all shits have never existed"

"Agree with you"

We shook our hand for the joke, but then replaced it quickly with kisses, wiches were transformed then by a makeout session.

Soulmates ?  ♡ Kuroken ♡Where stories live. Discover now