A Normal Day

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*Sally's POV*

I swung my legs over the edge of my bed, and slipped my boots on, I got my vest and ring-blades on, I stood and heard a sleepy groan come from behind me, I turned to see Elias, still asleep in his bed beside mine, roll over to face away from me, I smiled a little, then walked over and started shaking my brothers shoulder

Me: Elias

He rolled onto his back and glared at me as he sat up, he looked tired as well as annoyed

Elias: What?

Me: You hungry?

Elias: Yeah

Me: Then get up and meet me in the dining hall

Elias rolled his eyes, and got out of bed as I turned to leave the room, and I was in the dining hall before him, seeing our father sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, I smiled and sat beside him, and he smiled at me

Nigel: Good morning, Sal

Me: Morning, daddy

Then Elias walked in, and sat on the other side of the table, across from me, I was confused why he didn't just sit beside me or on the other side of our dad, but I didn't complain

Nigel: So, how'd you kids sleep?

Me: Good

Elias: Terrible

We both looked at him, concerned

Nigel: And why's that?

Elias: I couldn't stop thinking about our next mission

Me: You mean 'our' as in you and the rest of the S.F.F?

Elias: Not really, more like just me, Leeta, and Lyco

Me: Oh..wait...what's the mission?

Elias: That's classified information

Me: Wait, what?! Is it also classified to Sonic?

Elias: Yes. It's classified to everyone except us S.F.F

Nigel: Just...don't get hurt

Elias: *smirk* No promises

Nigel: What..

Elias: I said, I can't keep any promises about not getting hurt

Me: Elias

Nigel: Well you better try not to

Me: Ok, off topic question, sort of

Elias: What is it?

Me: How many hours of sleep did you get?

Elias: Uh....one? Or was it 30 minutes..

Me: *sighs* ok, one more thing

Elias: Hm?

Me: *stands up quickly* WHAT THE HELL ELIAS?!

Elias: Ahh...

Nigel: Sally, calm down.

Me: I am calm, I'm just concerned why my idiot brother hardly got any sleep! Cause, I know, it's not just the mission bothering him

Elias: Fine, you want the full answer?

Me: YES!

Elias: *crosses arms* I don't know, I couldn't fall asleep

I facepalmed myself and slumped back in my chair

Nigel: *sips coffee* I'm going to stay out of this..

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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