Hey peoples
After much consideration I'm not going to continue this. Since restarting it this year and even when I did a couple in 2020 this has basically died. I'm not getting any reads and I could keep going for the maybe 2 people who do read it but I can't. Call me a quitter I don't care but it's not getting traffic . Overwatch is not what it used to be and I think it's going out. No one wants to read this sort of thing. I love this as it's given me some creativity and such but it's not working. I have no feedback and I can't even get my friends who like overwatch to read it so I'm gonna leave. This will be marked as completed . It's no where near done but I'm done. Thank you to those who have read it and I hope the 100 chapters of the original "professionalism not included" by zFzL4 on AO3 will satisfy your humour and fuckery needs in terms of overwatch .
Best wishes readers
I may start other stories or continue other existing ones. Who knows. Or maybe I'll give up writing all together.
I'm sorry
The 'Emergency' Chatroom
HumorWinston, after the recall, sets up a chatroom for the agents to use if all other ways of communicating are unusable. He instantly regrets ever deciding to either set up a chatroom or just the recall in general as everyone (bar a few) have lost all p...