04. || 𝗍𝗁𝗋𝖾𝖾.

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After the years Yeonjun grew up, now being 14. Everything was good in his life, middle school was great, he was smart. Never got any F's and would always be present there'd only be times he was absent but it was for doctor appointments, him and Beomgyu are still close there would be times Beomgyu would pick him up after school, always bringing a snack or something for Yeonjun.

If Yeonjun was honest, he loved Beomgyu more than his parents, yeah he knew they were always busy with work but it seems they started forgetting about him.


It was a normal Thursday at school, Yeonjun was in his last class, talking to a few of his classmates. The end of the school year was already near and they were all planning what they were doing for their summer. Which most spoke about going to the beach or spending time with their family, friends, and parents.

All Yeonjun thought about was highschool, what would it be like? He knew for one thing was that it was going to be more difficult, since he's already going to be an adult soon. But he knew he should enjoy his summer while it lasted because soon things are going to get more challenging, but Yeonjun was confident he'd do just fine in highschool.

Class was soon dismissed and everyone walked out the school gates waiting or calling their parents. Some walked with their friends while others stayed after school for important reasons, Yeonjun was standing outside the school gates, patiently waiting for his parents or Beomgyu to pick him up. As he waited he scrolled through his Instagram, seeing his close friends stories or whatever until he heard someone call him.
"Angel I'm heree!!"

Yeonjun looked up from his phone as his lips curled into a warm smile, putting his phone in his back pocket before running off, hugging Beomgyu tightly.
"Gyu hey!!"

"How was my sweet angel's day?" Beomgyu cupped Yeonjun's face, lightly pinching his cheeks. Which made Yeonjun flustered.
"It was good, I was just talking to some classmates about what they were planning for their summer"

"Is that so? Do you have anything planned for your summer?"
"Uhm no.."
Beomgyu frowned, hearing Yeonjun's sad voice, he never liked seeing Yeonjun sad, it broke his heart. Beomgyu's hands made their way to Yeonjun's soft hair, ruffling it before patting his shoulders.
"How about I plan something for us? Are your parents coming to your promotion since it's near?"

Yeonjun thought for a moment, he reminded his parents the past few weeks about his 8th grade promotion but it seems with their busy jobs they might not be able to attend, he disappointment sigh escaped his lips.
"I don't think they are...they're just busy everyday..."

"I know they are Angel..." Beomgyu caressed Yeonjun's right cheek before smiling at him, "I'll be there. For you."
"Y-you will?" Yeonjun's eyes lit up at Beomgyu's words.
"Of course, I wanna see my little fox promote, I'd never want to miss anything that means so much to you.."

Yeonjun hugged Beomgyu once more, he happily squealed as his smile grew wider with joy.
"Thank you Beomgyu! You're the best I love you!!"
"I love you too angel" Beomgyu felt his heart beat affectionately, which made his eyes widen in surprise...what was he feeling? Was it...



The day of Yeonjun's 8th grade promotion soon came, after months of waiting for this day it was finally here. Beomgyu made sure to dress nicely and brought a bouquet of roses along with a present for Yeonjun.

When the ceremony started Beomgyu kept his eyes on Yeonjun the whole time, watching as he stood up when his name was called, when he received his certificate, when he shook hands with his teachers, and as he made his way back to his seat. Beomgyu didn't pay attention or even try to listen to the speech of the principal, he could care less.

When the 8th graders were finally released to go with their parents or whoever Beomgyu immediately got out of his chair and went looking for Yeonjun finding him in 5 seconds as he ran happily towards him.

"Yeonjun here! I got you some roses and a gift!"
Yeonjun's eyes widened with glee as he squealed, happily receiving the bouquet and gift.
"Thank you so much Gyu! You're the best!!"
"No problem my angel I'm just glad you're happy" Beomgyu spoke softly as he brushed away the hair that was blocking Yeonjun's face. Yeonjun smiled before turning over and speaking once again.

"Oh uhm! Can you take some pictures of me with my teachers?"
"Of course, anything for you" Beomgyu replied as he followed Yeonjun then, taking out his phone as he took a few pictures of Yeonjun with some of his teachers. The devil's heart filled with joy as he watched Yeonjun say his last goodbyes to his beloved teachers.

Once they were ready to leave they started walking, Beomgyu had a car but preferred walking now since Yeonjun loves walking with him. The whole walk back to Yeonjun's house was filled with laughter, happiness and positive, Yeonjun loved spending every second with Beomgyu, and so did Beomgyu.


Soon their walk had ended as they reached Yeonjun's house, as they were already standing at the front door Beomgyu gave Yeonjun one last hug, laughing in the hug before looking at Yeonjun sincerely.
"I feel so happy my sweet angel promoted middle school, I'm very proud of you, Yeonjun..."


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