Chapter One: A dull New York

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The three brothers walked into the purple brother's lab, they had been called in there earlier by Donnie. 

They all entered, being greeted by a large, new machine in the middle of the lab, Mikey was the first to speak up, confused but excited," wow, dee what is this thing?"

Mikey reached his hand out only to be swatted away by Donnie," ah ah ah- no touching, and to answer your question Angelo, it's the one and ONLY MPTM."

Donnie gestured over to the machine, really emphasizing the fact that this was the only one in the world, Mikey looked over to Leo and Raph, Leo just shrugged and Raph cleared his throat, "so- Dee, what does uh...MP- uhh" Raph fiddled with his fingers trying to remember what the machine was called.

"Sigh, M-P-T-M stands for multi-purpose transferring machine." Donnie pinched the would-be bridge of his nose if he had one. 

Leo confidently trotted up to the machine and leaned on it, "so, what does it do, my large fore- headed pal?"

 Donnie glared at Leo with vicious intent but sighed once again and cleared his throat," The MPTM is a device that will use the energy from Mikey here and open a portal. I believe that we could travel the farthest we ever could with this machine! Planets, galaxies, maybe even alternate dimens-!"

 Donnie was interrupted by Leo, "wait wait wait- Donnie we don't need this, I mean, we have the greatest portal master right here!" Leo put his hand on his hip and used the other to slick back his non-existent hair.

Raph walked over and put a hand on Leo's shoulder, "yeah, why can't we just use our current transferring device - our brother! Saves time, and I don't want Mikey hooked up to this thing."

Raph let go of Leo and crossed his arms matter of factly, Donnie sighed, "Fine, if you wanna get portal jacked, then go ahead, but I'd rather help Angelo here improve his magic AND be able to get where we need to without the portal getting interfered with." Donnie grabbed Mikey to prove his point.

Mikey nodded his head, he'd rather not get portal jacked, "ya know, I would like to practice my mystic hands!" Mikey raised slightly shaky hands, they had been shaky since the invasion, when he opened the portal to save Leo.

Donnie looked at Leo and Raph smugly and knew full well that they would accept it now that Mikey wanted to do it," finneeee!" Leo pouted, Raph just uncrossed his arms, smiled at Mikey and nodded. 

Donnie rubbed his hands together and maniacally said, "let the experiment begin!" Laughing like a psycho before yanking Mikey closer to the machine and attaching wires to Mikey's head and all over his arms," are you sure this is safe Donnie." Raph started to fiddle with his hands again.

Donnie walked backwards and lifted his arm up," I am 95% sure this is safe!" Donnie pressed a button on the device on his wrist and the machine turned his trademarked purple, "now Mikey, activate your mystic powers!" Donnie pointed to Mikey, seemingly in a rush.

Mikey held his hands out and took a deep breath, 'come on mystic powers!' Mikey thought as he started to glow a golden orange,  "go Mikey, go Mikey!" Leo chanted while Raph had his hands to his head and mouth wide open. 

The MPTM started to glow another color, orange entangled with Genius Built purple™ , slowly forming a portal. 

A light coming from Donnie's device that was on his wrist started to blink red, the portal above started growing larger and light shot out of it in bolt like shapes. "Oh boy..." Donnie sighed, "Donnie!" Leo yelled, he stepped back from the machine, "OHMIGOSH!" Mikey screamed as he opened his eyes to see the portal.

Small things were getting sucked into the portal, "Donnie! What's happening!" Raph yelped as a piece of metal that was right beside him got taken by the portal.

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