Chapter 3: Familiar strangers

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ROTTMNT names (and nicknames): Rise Leo: Leon, Rise Mikey: Angelo/Michal, Rise Donnie: Donnie/Donald/Dee, Rise Raph: Raph/Raph-a-la

2012 turtles names (and nicknames): 2012 Leo: Leonardo/Leo, 2012 Raph: Raphael, 2012 Donnie: Donatello, 2012 Mikey: Mikey/Mikester

These names only come into play when all of the turts actually clear the whole "your from another dimension" deal, hope this dose not confuse anybody!

I cant help but leave a hint of sarcasm in my voice when I educated Raph and Leo about our dear younger brother, "You two should know by now that Mikey's brain is only as developed as a toddlers, why would he ever listen?" I visibly see Raph at the edge of bursting out in laughter.

In my peripheral Leo desperately tries to keep a straight face, Mikey looks like he's  about to speak, heavens know what's about to come out of his mouth, "HEY!" In sync all four of us turn to the  dark and empty sewer tunnel that acted as a entrance and exit for the lair.

Standing up I quickly acquire my Bo staff from beside me and walk closer to the exit of the lair. Walking out of the lair, simultaneously we all turn to where the voice came from.

  "Who the shell was that!" My elder, yet shorter brother in red yelled, I swear that if he yelled any louder my ear drums would burst. All of us, even Mikey, quietly approach, "chill bro, whoever it is we can just ninja them and they won't ever come back!" I face palm, that was stupid, what if it was a new enemy, random human, or even another mutant, we can't just fight whomever!

Leo seemed to read my mind because he told Mikey off for me, "Mikey, this means they probably know where our lair is, they are to close for comfort, and will probably tell someone!" Not exactly how I would put it, however I could see Mikey about to say something idiotic again and decided to be the voice of reason.

"Leo's right Mikey, why would anyone be this far out in the sewer without a purpose, and if it turns out to be someone we don't have a great history with than we might as well invite them to live with us." I crossed my arms, I could see Raph get his Sai ready even though we haven't found anything of harm, yet.

It was quiet for a nice, short while, every now and then a weird noise from my younger brother, but that was normal, what wasn't normal was the sound someone falling, no...two maybe more people falling down onto the hard, wet concrete of the sewer. 

The fall was followed by a purple glow that looked like something had fallen, a glow way to similar to the glow that came from the Krangg's weapons. Raph immediately rushed in, me, Leo and Mikey close behind. 

Why was it always us that have to come across the weird things? Two figures stood up, or maybe just a very weirdly shaped mutant, or Kranng droid, the taller part or person was just barley Raphs height, both their eyes had a pure white look to them, just like me and my brothers,"Who the shell are you two!" Raph yelled, his voice was very demanding, like always.

"Uhh, we mean you no harm, we are just...uh...normal everyday people that have been lost in the sewers-haha-" Donnie could have sworn that the taller figure had said ' nailed it ' right after, but that was not his main worry, the way this thing talked made it sound like it was posing as a human.

"Cool, so you don't mean us harm, sorry but, we mean you harm!" Raph threw a Ninja star at the shorter part of the figure, the taller one swiftfully turned to it's smaller half, whose... body disappeared! "DUDE, YOU MADE THAT ONE'S BODY POOF OUT OF EXISTENCE!" Mikey yelled as loud as he could,"This doesn't make any sense, why would that happen, what kind of mutant or droid could do that to its structure?" I have so many questions that have yet to be answered.

"Donnie you can go crazy about it later but we have to catch them first!" Leo finally spoke, I could have gone a bit without another voice, but Leo was right, they were getting away and fast.

Now chasing the strange ' Scaredy sewer droid mutant ' as Mikey and Raph dubbed the very suspicious creature, as i like to call it, 'the SSDM' because it's easier to say, it's agility was rivaling even our own, it was fast aswell, having some sort of propelling device, like a jet pack, the pack is the most beautiful piece of tech that I have ever seen, from what i could see in the dark, me and my brothers however were running on adrenaline.

After many many turns and what seemed like a hour or so before we had it cornered, it looked to be still carrying its counterpart, "Finally, we caught ya freak." Raph clanged his Sia together.

"What happened to that one yo!" Mikey pointed to the larger ones counterpart whose body was still absent, except something at the waist that seemed to protect whatever was inside, the raph sized creature just backed up into the wall in response.

"How did you contort your body into such a small figure? What was that jet pack like tech you used to make yourself faster?-" I had so many questions, "Shut it donnie, let's get to work!" Raph growled.

"guys, what's  this?" Leo had arrived, I didn't even know he was not with us, in his hand he had a semi see through HIGHLY futuristic flashlight that was glowing with a purple, the same purple I had seen earlier, now that I had a  closer look it was more purple than the Krangg's signature color, it also had some sort of logo on it.

"It seems to be a flashlight what's so important about it?" Raph crossed his arms still keeping his eyes on the, what i'm going to assume, other mutants, "Well its extremely high tech, we could use this for all sorts of things!" Just as I was about to say more I hear a yawn, me and my brothers turn to the source, "You are all very, very, and that's two very's, boring." the tall mutant says, sorta hissing, its voice lined with sarcasm, clinging onto the smaller, contorted one who has yet to say anything.

"Why you!" Raph tried to attack them, Leo stopping him, "calm down Raph, you can't just attack random mutants." Leo had his 'leader voice' on, making Raph begrudgingly halt on his attack,"Dudes, why don't we just shine the flashlight thing onto the mutants and see what they look like?" We all look at Mikey surprised, "But thats smart..." I say, dumbfounded, we all look to Leo who took that as the cue to shine the light onto the two mutants.

"What the-" Leo gasps, Mikey holds his hands to his mouth, the two mutants were turtles, the one in its shell being clinged onto by the older looking one, equipped with a purple bandana like my own," mikey?" The turtle whispered to the one in its shell, "yeah?" Our Mikey and the shorter and younger looking one said in sync, the short one popping out of its shell, wearing a orange bandana,"woah, they are..." It had a bright voice.

"Strangely familiar strangers?" The taller one said, a hint of sarcasm was caught in his voice.

Finally finished, it was meant to be out yesterday, but I had writers block and kept fixing mistakes in the other chapters. The wording is a bit messy and its not the best because I very rarely do first person in stories, sorry. :')

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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