𝟖 - 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠

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satoru had invited [name] over, and he let her bring a friend as he would bring suguru

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satoru had invited [name] over, and he let her bring a friend as he would bring suguru. kyō was eventually the best choice.

1. kenji was busy

2. kyō didn't want kenji there

the four of them sat on the couch in satoru's big house, it could hold like twenty people on it. though, he never threw house parties, surprisingly because he doesn't want his parents to see on the cameras.

"so how long have you both known each other?" suguru asked the two girls, curious on their relationship.

the two looked at each other, trying to think of a year or number to say. "i would say uh..." kyō muttered.

"probably like, since elementary? fourth grade, i'm pretty sure." [name] gave a direct answer. 

the two of them had become friends over fighting some girls in the bathroom.  they had been talking bad about [name's] fencing, and how she was a spoiled brat. kyō started the fight, because she was in the bathroom during it, and hit the two girls first. then [name] tried to stop them, but eventually joined in the fight too.

"yup, we met over fighting some girls in the bathroom." kyō kept it short, as she and [name] weren't phased by that part at all.



the two boys looked at them, completely confused by that part. "okay... well you guys wanna play something in my gym?" satoru asked them.

"you have a gym?!" kyō exclaimed, she immediately got up from the couch.

"yup! i've got anything you need!" he praised himself, as he and kyō ran down the hall to the area of where the gym would be.

suguru and [name] walked there, not as energetic as the other two. she eventually got kinda awkward around him, but she wanted to as a bit about him too. "how long have you and gojo been friends?"

suguru glanced at her, before signing. "longer than i can count, we met shoko around in middle school." he informed.

"so you'd say like before birth or something?" she questioned, were their parents like friends?

"definitely not, i'd say when we were like three years old. i was still in the countryside of tokyo a little later than that." suguru explained, he opened the door leading to the gym. it revealed both satoru and kyō playing basketball.

"I didn't know you played basketball, kyō." [name] said, seeing her friend hit a shoot a hoop. her friend looked back, she smiled proudly. seeing how amazed she was.

"Kenji usually makes me practice with him, so I guess I picked up on some skills." she praised herself, "no need to be so surprised. the only thing you should be surprised about is me beating Gojo so quickly." kyō continued.

"that was just one shoot..?" he muttered.

"DONT RUIN MY THUNDER!" she threatened.

suguru smiled a bit, he was a bit impressed by kyō's good play. "you should join the girls basketball team, if they had one." he said, it was an attempt on complimenting her.

"but that was one-"

suddenly, satoru felt a basketball hit his stomach. he felt back on his behind, as he was sitting on the gym floor, holding his stomach as well as holding the basketball. he groaned in pain, as he looked up at everyone.

"I thought we weren't allowed to play any sports while we were suspended from the training center?" [name] questioned, completely ignoring how kyō hit him with a basketball.

"we did fencing at your house, they can't even see anything. plus, its not like these two will snitch." satoru explained, he got up from the floor, as he had gestured over to suguru and kyō.

"pff, like I'd ever." kyō joked, she laughed a bit.

"it doesn't matter either, your both unsuspended." suguru concluded, shrugging shortly afterward. he wasnt the type to snitch on people, unless it was a really dire matter.

satoru looked over at [name], "see, perfectly fine."

"yeah, lets play something." she ultimately agreed.


a bit later, both satoru and suguru were grabbing waters from the kitchen. suguru seemed to have noticed the tense feeling satoru had been giving off for a while now. he decided to just go on and ask about it, even if he already knew what it was about.

"you seem annoyed," suguru said, he began to drink his bottle of water.

satoru sighed, obviously in annoyance. he leaned against the kitchen counter, as he crossed his arms. "this act is annoying, but...! luckily for me, I heard that the coaches and principle are considering us to go back on our teams." he drank his bottled of water.

"your still using this as an act?" his best friend questioned, looking down as the floor.

"yeah, I hope when we are getting back on the team, we can quit this whole friend thing and go to strangers." satoru shrugged, he took another sip of his water. he seemed like he really didn't care on what was happening, it was all for him to get back on the team.

"you won't eve consider being friends?"

"I already said that I won't, I mean it." he stated, he wasnt going to change his mind. the only thing that was going to go through his mind, was to just get back on the basketball team. not even consider to be friends or still talk to [name] afterwards.

suguru just sighed quietly, he wasn't going to try and change his mind anymore. he was crossing his fingers that something interesting would happen, so satoru could learn a lesson. it would definitely make him rethink the whole situation.

OHHHHH PLOT TWISTTT (there's gonna be a lot in this story i hope 🤞)

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OHHHHH PLOT TWISTTT (there's gonna be a lot in this story i hope 🤞)

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