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Chapter #1: Framed

Combat Class

Ma Tembo, Donut and Tucker and Lydia made it to Combat Class with three minutes to spare. They went to their seats as Lydia went to his which was inbetween Leonard Church leader of blue team and Caboose the other member of blue team Sarge the leader of red team, Grif the orange lazy fat ass of red team and Simmons the cyborg and nerdy ass of red team we're waiting for them.

Church: Yo, Lydia!!

Sarge: (grinning) Hey, Lydia! Nice of you to join us.

Grif: (yawning) Yeah, yeah. Sit down, weakling.

Simmons: (adjusting his glasses) I'm glad you're here, Lydia. I think you'll find this class very educational.

Lydia: (smiling weakly) Thanks, guys. I hope I can keep up.

Glynda: Today, you will be able to fight with your team or peerage against your opponent or opponents now... who would like to go first?

At first, nobody raised their hand until someone did and that was none other than... Rias Gremory.

Glynda: Miss Gremory, what a surprise.

She said this as politely as she could because she has known of her and her peerage tormenting Lydia who was the sweetest student she ever had.

Rias: Me and my Peerage would like to fight.

Shifu: Who exactly?

Rias: Lydia.

Guy Shishioh: Definitely not her choose someone else!!

Goodwitch: Agreed, Lydia has no potential or power whatsoever, it would be an unfair fight so pick someone else.

Issei: Hey, when the president makes her choice, you do it!

Goodwitch: She is not the president of this academy, pick. Someone. Else.

Issei didn't reply because he was too busy staring at her titties which made her growl in anger, which snapped him out of it.

Akeno: Aww~ Is Adam a coward?~

Tucker: Lydia, do not agree to this.

Lydia: No stupid whore, I'm not a coward, just someone with common sense.

Akeno summoned some lightning on her hands and fired at Adam but Glynda put up a barrier and blocked it.

Goodwitch: ENOUGH!!! Miss Gremory, pick someone else or sit down!

Rias: No.

Guy Shishioh and Glynda got into their battle stances and were prepared for anything until the doors opened, and in came Captain Bright Noa, who was arguing with Sirzechs Lucifer.


Sirzechs: Diana, you don't have a saying in this.

Guy Shishioh: What is going on?

Captain Bright Nao: He is ordering Lydia to be arrested.

Church: WHAT?! WHAT FOR?!

Sirzechs: She murdered five innocent children and buried them underneath the orphanage.

Everyone turned to Lydia, who was shocked.


Sirzechs: Last Tuesday.

Simmons: how to help do you actually did that he was actually here in the academy the whole time!!

Tucker: yeah bitch are you fucking high or just smoking crack because you really are a bunch of delusional fucks!!

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