Absolute Power

56 3 1

Nikara's POV 

I was doing my morning chores, since i want them out of the way so I can help take that Tigrex back to its home. But then I hear the alarm that meant a Hunter was coming! I look at Teo, he's small enough to hide in either the stables or the house. Despite his grown size, I still pick him up and run to the stables. I put him in his stall.

"Teo, there's a Hunter coming so you need to stay in here until the Hunter goes away," I say, making sure he had plenty of food and water, before closing his stall door and making sure he stays inside. I then go to make it look like I was helping repair the roof of a house when that Hunter and his Felyne come into town. After he passes, I knew I had to find my friends and take off once I was sure the Hunter and his Felyne wouldn't see me. I catch up to Lute, Lillia and Cheval.

"I saw the Hunter, he's got a Tigrex Long-Sword. I only read about those weapons," I say to them as we walk. 

"So where's this Hunter anyway?" Lute asks as we look around while walking.

"Well, i saw him in the village," I remind him.

"And he was just at our shop, so he has to be passing by this place at some point right?" Lillia asks and I nod in confirmation to that. 

"You forget, our rules clearly state that no one can know about the Riders existence. So we can't talk to him," Cheval reminds us and I nod in agreement to that. 

"If we don't say anything, he won't find out anything," Lute reassures us but we had hidden in a bush when we saw the Hunter coming.

"Find out anything about what?" the Hunter asks, causing Lute to turn around and look up at the taller Hunter. Our friend makes a surprised sound, then turns to look at us hiding in the bush with wide eyes, before he backs up. He then notices the sword I mentioned on the Hunters back and moves in for a closer look.

"Is that-?" He starts to ask, before realizing he was talking to a Hunter and covers his mouth.

"*sighs* Alright, *motions for us to come out* come on out. I'm talking to you three," the Hunter says and we look at Lute, before the four of us nod and we come out to stand beside Lute. 

"So, are you actually a real Hunter?" Lute asks.

"Well, yeah but you're making it sound like we're some kinda rare, exotic creatures," the Hunter says smiling.

"Sorry, but you're the first one I've ever seen," our friend apologizes and I nod in agreement, surprising the Hunter. 

"Whoa, then...so what's your impression of your first Hunter?" the hunter asks. 

"Well, you're smaller than I expected," our friend replies, surprising the Hunter.

"Smaller, huh?" he asks before using his hand to measure Lute's height, then raising it to his own height.

"Uh, no I don't mean like that. It's just, you know, *scratching his cheek* you guys take on Monsters with nothing, but one weapon. So I thought you'd be gigantic *moves his arms to show how big he thought he'd be* monster-sized even!" he says, Cheval and I nod in agreement humming our agreement.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing," Lillia says making Lute turn to look at her.

"I know right?" he agrees.

"Sorry if I don't live up to your mental picture of a Hunter," the Hunter says to us.

"Hey, mister, that's a Long Sword isn't it?" Lute asks as he points to it, causing the man to look at it.

"Yep," He replies draws it to show us, it was pretty long in my opinion and it looked like it had Tigrex parts like I suspected. 

"So that's what you fight Monsters with," Lute says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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