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Harmonica (y/n) pov

I'm with Saturn and Jupiter as I'm sitting between them. Saturn is happily hugging me while Jupiter holds the both of us while reading. Jupiter and Saturn let me call them father/dad. Which is embarrassing, but I'm happy about it. I yawn and snuggle into Saturn till we hear Mercury screaming.

"I'm not gonna check... too comfy..." I mumbled
"Don't need to, Earth sorted it out.... I think" Jupiter says

Earth is sorting it out... yeah, I don't buy it... I'll check later. I yawn and fall asleep.


A few hours later, I went to go play space cards with Mars and Mercury to see Venus fanning Earth.... I blink in confusion as Selunaria has her jaw wide open.

"Hey, uh, Earth's Moon? Come here one sec." Mars yells out

Luna blinks and drifts to us and hugs me before facing Mars. I hold him happily.

"Why in the universe is Venus... you know..." Mars starts asking
"Playing maid to earth?" Me and Mercury finishes
"Yeah, that." Mars says
"Well I couldn't hear the conversation since it happened during the day, but I heard something about Venus’s name and true meaning." Luna says in confusion

Wait, true meaning? Why the fuck is the relevant to Venus being Earth's maid....

"And that's embarrassing enough for Venus to play Earth’s servant!?" Mercury asks
"Yeah, I think Earth is blackmailing Venus to keep the secret." Luna states

I look back to Earth and Venus with a raised eyebrow. Now I want to know...

"Oh now I really want to know, but I guess neither of them will tell us." Mars whines out

We all rub our chins in though till we all spot Astrodude doing god knows what. So we drift to him.

"Hello Astrodude!" We say

This scared the living shit out of him, causing him to jump and turn around... I think he did shit himself...

"Ah! Oh hey, hey you planets." Astro says
"Hey so, you being such a scholar of space stuff, do you know what Venus's name means?" Mars and I ask
"Is this- is this like a- a threat?" Astro asks
"No!" Me and Mars shout
"Yes!" Mercury says
"Mercury wtf" I say
" Wait, what?" Mars says

We all look at Mercury with wtf faces as he smiles at us innocently.


"You are named after the roman goddess of love and beauty?!" Mercury shouts

I frown, now that we know, doesn't mean to use it to annoy him...

"WHAT?!" Venus shouts

I see the look of panic and anger in Venus face, and he looks at Earth as Mercury and Mars just laugh at him.

"B-b-b-b-but!" Venus stutters
"Hey, it wasn't me." Earth says

Earth raises his glasses in confusion as Venus looks around till he looks at Astrodude... oh no...

"Astro-DUDDDDDE!" Venus screams in anger

We watch him speed towards Astrodude in pure rage... but he stops and looks around in confusion while the look of horror is placed on our faces.

"Where did he go? Where did Astrodude go?" Venus asks
"Uhm... you literally crashed into him, Venus." Mars shouts
"Oh. Is he dead?" Venus asks nervously
"Probably!" Mars and Mercury shouts
"Not cool, Venus! Not cool!" Earth says in anger

Harmony Beauty (Solarhumans/balls x planet Reader)Where stories live. Discover now